The begginig

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You go over to your friend's house. Man I'm excited about this! Danny says he has a special suprise at his house! You think to yourself. You're walking down the street of your friend's house, Weed Rd. Man what a weird name. You think. You see four kids riding on bikes in your schools direction. You reconize the one leading them as Billy. The one on Billy's right is Ray, the one on his left is Harold, and the one behind him is Theo. What are those four bullys doing going to school at 5 o' clock?, you think to yourself, probably nothing. You continue to walk down the road until you git to an intersection. What way was it to Danny's house again? Oh right, left. You turn right and resume walking to Danny's house. You remember that Danny has two dogs and a snake. One of Danny's dogs is a golden retriever named Goldy, while his other dog is named Piper and she is a multiese. His snake is a cobra, but it's been trained to be harmless so it won't kill. You are nearly to Danny's housemwhen you smell somthing smoking, but you think nothing of it. You're nearly there by now, yet the smell intensifies. You wonder why the smell intensifies, but you soon push that thought out of you mind. When you see no one on the porch to greet you you get worried because Danny's usually waiting to greet you at the porch. The smell intensifies. You are now really worried, Could something be wrong? Now you try to push these bad thoughts out of your head, but you can't. They keep repeating insidemyou head. Could somethig be wrong? Could something be wrong? What if something is wrong? Could something be wrong? You get to the front door and ring the doorbell. The sight you see next is unbelievable.

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