~10~ meeting the whole magcon

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Today me and my members are at a building for our meeting with the magcon boys i already searched them in google and some of them are good looking but why did they call them magcon boys if there is a girl what's her name again? Oh yeah mahogany lox she is a DJ she's so cool by the way.
Here we are at the building waiting fir the guys suddenly we heard screamings in the hall way "ooh! They are here!" Marie said. Then the door was opened by a hot guy oh yeah! He's hot! "So here's the guys!" Said marie i think she's more excited than us. Then the guys introduced themselves "hi i'm cameron Dallas" "i'm Nash Grier" "i'm Matthew Espinosa" "i'm hayes Grier" "taylor caniff here" "shawn Mendes" "i'm Aaron carpenter" "carter reynolds at your service" hahaha! "Jack Gilinsky here" wait what!? "Jack Johnson" oh no! "I'm mahogany lox" oh cool. So i started to greet "I'm Becca gilinsky" "what!?" Everybody said at the same time "okay.....he's my brother actually" i said in an akward tone "how?" "I was adopted by the sevani's okay" "okay proceed" "i'm autumn thompson" "and i'm hazel jill lee" so now what? "Now what?" I asked "were here to talk about your tour in new jersey.... Let's start with the room mates we have nash and cameron,jack and jack, taylor and shawn, hayes and aaron,carter and matt, becca and autumn, and hazel and mahogany so everything's set what else?" Then johnson raised his hands "ummm....my girlfriend will be coming with us" WHAT NO WAY THAT BITCH!! "Well your girlfriend have to pay for her own room" thanks bart i owe you one "yeah sure she's okay with that"
Oh no! Can becca stop jack from kimberly or they will just have to stick as friends😭
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Keep dreaming🌠

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