The Good, The Bad, & The Evil ~ Chapter 2

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"Sister! Congrats on the big engagement! I'm so happy for you!" Princess Jyzelle smiled fakely at her twin.

Princess Aiesha, being the sweet and kind girl that she is, didn't even notice her sister's obviously fake congratulations nor did she notice that her evil twin is up to something.

"Thanks! You are so kind to me sis!" Princess Aiesha exclaimed happily. "Speaking of, you are going to be my maid-of-honor tomorrow, right?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Princess Jyzelle said sarcastically.

"Great! Oh I'm so excited! This is all going so fast! I gotta run sis I have to finish the arrangements for tomorrow! I already have your dress ready. Just show up tomorrow, okay?"

With that the happy princess bounded to her room, making sure that everything will be perfect for her wedding day. Princess Jyzelle watched her sister skip away gaily in disgust, already forming an evil plan in mind.

"We'll see if you are the one still happy after the wedding, sis." Princess Jyzelle spat out evilly.

The maid saw the princess cackling evilly and said, "Are you alright, Princess? Is something wrong?"

"I am perfectly fine! Mind your own business! Now, scram before I fire you!" Princess Jyzelle said rudely.

"Yes Princess. I'm sorry." the maid said meekly.

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