Chapter Four

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3 weeks later...

"Keep your eye open for an 18 year old, pale male, with long silver hair. The male name is Patient 209, if you spot this male anywhere, please contact the police." The news anchor explained, "The man is a cannibal, he will attack when he sees you. Be careful out there tonight, Jane Stachowiak signing off" The camera's cut, and James growled. He doesn't attack for nothing... He attacks to survive, but if these people were going to call him a monster, let it be, he will attack...

A bit later

James hid up in a tree, as men walked briskly past him, they were hunting him. The police had put a bounty on his head, and James wasn't going down without a fight.

With a growl, James landed onto one of the men, the men yelled, throwing a random shot at James, which missed.

"Daniel!" A surprised gasped yell, as another man, Kevin, fell to the ground, a gun shot wound evident on his chest. Daniel yelled out, just as James sinked his teeth into his neck, tearing the skin away.

Another gun shot rang out, James ducked behind a tree, blood slipping from his right shoulder.

"Come out you freak! You killed them!" Jacob yelled, holding his gun out in front of him, anger covered his face. James growled. Looking at his should, quickly, he ran out from behind the tree, and tackled the man to the ground, digging his hand into his abdomen, pulling out the intestines, quickly eating away.

The man yelled, and soon James heard footsteps in their direction, he jumped up, and rushed out of the area, barely hearing the a certain man yelling for him...


Hutchison sighed, and plopped down on his couch. He saw James in the woods, he tried to get his attention, but nothing. Maybe Hutchison had to move on... James didn't seem to care for him, didnt try to find him. James doesn't care, even if Hutchison felt James was a son to him, he had to let him go...

Short chapters. I know. I'm working on longer ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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