Chapter 5 - Hold On

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Bree's P.O.V.

We fall and fall, my left hand never lets go of his right arm. It is a high and steep cliff, I try to seize any possible stalks or branches growing on the rock face. I catch a thick branch extended from a small gap on the rock wall and grasp it tightly.

Then the fall stopped, Chase clenched my wrist tighter as he looked down. "That was close." I gasp for air. "What now?" Chase pants and reaches his left arm out to catch any stalks to hold on, but there is barely any.

I look around and realize this precipice is steeper than we imagined. We have fallen for at least 30m and if we keep going, there are about 4om more to go. I look up at the branch I am seizing. The sight almost fails my grip.


White, a dozen of them, climbing towards my right hand.

Probably hadn't tasted human in centuries. They crawl out from the gap and speed up towards my hand thirstily. I wish I could let go of my hand now.

"Bree, super jump and you should-" "Why don't you levitate?!" I yell at Chase. Distracted by the scorpions, I cannot help with my tone. Chase frowned. "You know I can't levitate that high-" "And y'think I can," I try to keep my focus away from the insects biting my hands.

"Wait, you can stick to walls! You are able to walk on the vertical cliff like spiderman," Chase grin at his idea. My head is turning dizzy. "But I cannot carry you walking up." "Then just go on your own and tell Adam and Leo. I can-"

The cliff shakes abruptly again, the earthquake has not stopped. My heart skips a beat, not just because of the sudden shock, but his words. I hold on tighter to that branch, I am not letting go.

"Are you insane?! You will die if I let go!" I gather all my remaining strength and yell. "No Bree, I can-"

"Stop it Mr Avalanche, I have had enough. You never understand how hard it is for me, to follow every instruction you give. Yes, you are our mission leader, but I am living my own life, the decisions belong to me," I stop to breathe in more air. I am losing myself more second by second.

"I don't need you, telling me what's next in my relationship and life. What you tell me yesterday on the rooftop, I'll tell you now. No, I am not quitting. I'm not obeying you to choose the way I know I will regret for a whole life. And now, I say, I am not letting go my hand, and I never will."

Chase's eyes widens and he sighs. His arm has slipped and I am now clutching his wrist. I know my super durability cannot hold on any longer. I can barely keep my eyes open. My chest is heaving, my vision is blurry. I do not even dare to look up at the scorpions.

And then there it is again, the hair-raising shook. The branch swings hard and the sweat only slips my hand further on the branch. Chase grits and I see the determination in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." his hazy voice echoes in my ears.

He touches his temple with two fingers.

"Connect to Bree."

"No, Chase.. No!" My voice barely goes above a whisper. I am too tired to struggle.

My left hand is slipping his right hands away uncontrollably. No, not now, not the override app. But there is no way to tighten the grip. He shouldn't be the hero this time, sacrificing his life isn't an appreciated thing to do.

Chase's fingers slips away. He falls off, to that endless bottom. "Go up and find Adam and Leo..." I hear he yell. I cannot not hear the rest of his message. I am losing my right hand's grip, too.

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