Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - The back story

            Vivian having just had her 15th birthday walked among the street of her town towards the bridge with high hopes in finding herself a new friend to play with seeing she had already had many friends within her town. Even though it was just a small town off the highway and on another side of the Barrington Bridge, she was considered royalty with every member of the town. It was only a small town with 1,500 people. A town where everyone knew everyone and no one was a stranger. Vivian had thought it was the best thing about her town. Dashing around the streets closer to the woods and the bridge, her shining new neckiless was the spark in the sun. You could notice it from a far - just across the other side of the bridge. The neckless had caught many attention from the two crews having a rivalry on the other side of the bridge and they both wanted the neckless for it held a stone dear to them both. A stone soaked in magenta pink hanging on a thick and thin chain of gold fit for a Queen.

            The two rivals across the bridge were leaded by two strong assassins - one group being owned, created and leaded by Liam and the other by his younger brother Josh. Both men had been raised in the military at a young age as their government trained agent parents were found dead in the parking lot on the highways most deserted gas station. They had both agreed in becoming assassins to protect one another and their parents most prizes possession - their parent's mission to protect the Prince. It had become the ages that royal blood was more valuable than gold itself and a half blood royal was more valuable than the crown of the king. This being because the royal family had ruled over the whole land regardless if one was living in a small town or big. They had endless power and riches. If someone was to kill a royal or the whole royal family and hold possession of royal jewellery, they would automatically become more powerful than the royal family itself and considering the high security around them, killing or even injuring one was highly impossible. The Black market was where the elders of the country would decide on the new arrangements of power.

Once the two boys had noticed they had a Prince under their power, Josh had tried to kill him and take the blood for money and power as well as take the gold and magenta neckless from the Prince to become billionaires. Liam had then informed the Prince of Josh's plan and the Prince ran away. The Prince was no older than 10 when he found himself on the town across Barrington Bridge and met with the Mayor.

            "I want my mother's neckless handed down to the eldest daughter you have. Treat her like royalty to your town but notify them that she is not of royal blood so she is useless in the black market" was all the Prince had said to the Mayor before he disappeared and was never to be seen again.

            Few years later, Vivian is founded with that same neckless the Prince had handed to her father. Josh knew well enough that the neckless was not of much value as the Prince's blood but knew it was still worth a lot as it is still owned by royalty themselves. It was Josh's crew that noticed the shining bright stone first and planned to attack Vivian in order to get the neckless. Josh thought to himself that perhaps he could trick the black market into thinking it was real royal blood and still gain millions of dollars and power.

            "We move in now before Liam gets to her!" Josh demanded to his group. Without a sound, the group moved in and formed a set plan in order to kill Vivian. All in their positions, Josh has silently creeped up behind her.

            "Who are you!? How dare you trespass in our town without signing in to the town halls office! " Vivian challenges the man in front her with a hoodie on his head, covering his face. All Vivian could see was the mouth of the boy with a smirk on his face. "Do not smirk at me young man! I may be younger than you but I am the mayor's daughter and I wish you were to leave" within seconds Vivian was in the embrace of the man who had a gun pointing to Josh who was behind Vivian, having a gun to her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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