58. Flawed

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Title: Flawed

author: bnlfan


Imagine the second you're born, a consultant removes you from your mother's grasp and runs a battery of genetic and physiological tests on you. Thirty minutes later they give you a score out of one hundred which denotes your level of perfection. If your score is above eighty and you work hard to maintain that score you will have a charmed life; well fed, well-rewarded, spoiled. But fall below eighty and you're labelled Flawed and life will not be so kind.

Hannah is flawed, adopted by a Flawed family when her birth parents chose their social standing over their daughter. Life has been one of struggle, hunger and service. One day Hannah is escorted to the regional government office and told that the Consultant who delivered her, who labelled her Flawed got it wrong! Now she is being relocated back to her birth parents, to live as one of the Top-Five, all medically and legally judged as perfect. Entering this new life Hannah has an impossible decision to make which puts not only hers, but the lives of everyone she cares about at great risk.

This story is in it's first draft and a little rough around the edges. These are being slowly edited out. Thank you for reading.

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