Chapter 1

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Mum! I yell down the long stairs they had dark grey fluffy carpet on them with the white hand rail and black metal bars underneath connecting the handrail to the stairs "where is my shampoo you know the one with the black and white dog on the front and its raspberry scented, you know the one you bought yesterday" I continue while walking down the stairs why did we have to have such high ceiling in the first floor the stairs are so long I think why walking down them. "where did you leave the shopping bag with the shampoo in it because I remember you brought it in from the car it will be where ever you left the shopping bag" she responds rolling her big teal like colored eyes, I think to myself instead I got my dads brown eyes. But my mum really is pretty everything fits on her face an is the perfect size and in the perfect spot I think to myself "I left the shopping bag on the vanity in my Bathroom like I have done for the past three and a half years where else would I put it" I question her "I have no idea where" but she is interrupted my a really loud bang of thunder leaving her sentence unfinished "HOLY SHIT" I yell jumping from the storm tripping down the last step almost land on my face but I caught myself before "language" my mother tells me sternly "I can say whatever the hell I want to say" I yell at her before storming up the stairs thinking that was a massive waste of time taking the long journey down the stairs "you get your ass back here right now young lady and stop acting like a moody fourteen year old" she yells up the stairs "I'm fourteen so I'm going to act like it, moody just happens to come with being fourteen so moody I shall be" I shout doing a little dance once I reach the top of the stairs "Legacy" she yells before continuing but not before I get a word in " "Legacy's the name how can I be of service to your every need my lady" I yell not allowing her to get a word in "your grounded for talking back, swearing, not taking responsibility for your shampoo and" but before she had the chance to continue she was cut off by another thunder storm this one louder than the last "when it floods you can take your sorry- ass groundings back to hell" I shout then in the sweetest voice I could muster that the time" oh and by the way I hate you, just thought you'd like to know ta ta for now" I said instantly feeling guilty but wouldn't admit it at the time. I could apologies later right now I'm going to enjoy the moment while it lasts I smile and couldn't stop as I continued to dance

Another lighting strike momentarily blinding me, i was still smiling well that was until I tripped and fell down the stairs screaming in pain. Beep beep beep the obnoxious fire alarm started as I still lay on the floor I screaming in pain and now rolling around on the floor, wait where is the fire I think to myself I can't see it it's probably a false alarm I think to myself and that's the last thing I remember before I passed out oh and the screams of help sounding from my mothers usually so beautiful Voice but not then as I blacked out.

"Ow!" I scream as someone stubs their toe on my back "do I look like a dam wall to you" I shout angrily. "Shh" the voice said before continuing "Ok stand up can you walk" he said his voice a mix of calmness and being pissed off probably at my rudeness but I couldn't care less at that moment I don't answer for a second trying to remember what happened "we are in a burning building for the love of hell's sake" he states his voice becoming panicked. Oh yeah now I remember, I think before my ears start to ring then about a split second after a bit of the burning ceiling falls down "ok that's it I'm carrying you out of this room or it will come crashing down around probably killing us" he said I mumble something on the way out not even I know what I was trying to say, as he picks me up and carries me bridal style, he walks around a part of the ceiling and another part came crashing down to where I was lying on the floor not even 5 seconds ago "see my point" the man States proudly.

I can breathe is the first thought As be carried out of the house. I hear the sirens in the distance. I stare at what is left of my burning house and at that moment one of the few moments I will never forget the whole house came crashing down and only took a second for that to happen and about a split second after the house crashed don't the firemen came and put out the rest of the fire from the inside and around what used to be my house now just a pile of ash and rubble, people were questioning me and the man but I was lost in my own thoughts what about Vincent the dog I had was he still in the house, oh wait I never had a dog Vincent is the dog on TV lost I think the shows called I think to myself I'm delusional I think also to my self I was about to scream for help but then I was rudely interrupted by "miss miss what's your name" or miss stay awake until the ambulance gets here" or some other questions I didn't hear and probably weren't even very important because I couldn't remember the answer to any of the questions. 

Not long after I was having what I thought was a muzzle put on me, I started acting like a dog, then burst out laughing I don't t know what was funny but couldn't stop laughing all the way to the hospital then I passed out and as I passed out I woke up. I told my sociologist she has been helping me ever since the fire I have nightmares about it all the time but every night they venture further and further away from the real evens that was nowhere what happened really I tell her that it changes the events every night but she thinks it's still important to tell her. I yawn I haven't been sleeping every night I try not to sleep in fear of the dreams from the fire 128 days ago not that I'm counting or anything.
             Peace out
(The diamonds or any other emoji means end of chapter btw)
I know it's not very long but I its over a thousand words i know it sucks but vote and comment what I could do better or any errors I may have made thanks. I will try to write a new chapter every week or fortnight and also only put in authors notes if it's important
Bye for now
This is my first book I have written so don't judge to harshly. do you like to cover, I made it; I'm very proud of myself.

Authors note part 2, this is directed at you Sara, this chapter is alright and I decided I will continue with this but I'm restarting at the rest is super boring so I can either just post it so you can read it or not post it and just post the new chapters that are yet to be written it's your choice

Decicaxted to Sara_Musiclover for making me post this I will edit this don't worry

Changed her man from laurel to Legacy

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