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(2years ago)

Ziara P.O.V

At LSU basketball finals number 7 bout to hit a 3 pointer shot at the buzzer.

Announcer: AND THEY WIN , THE LSU TIGERS WIN , shot scored by number 7 Ziara Marie omgosh I cant believe it a freshman playing for the varsity team won the finals , how incredible.

(Whole team holds their teammate and they celebrate at the club)

(At club Vixen, bouncer lets them in)

Ziara:" Aye bartender can I get a shot of Hennessey." I asked

Bartender: "Sure why not ". She said

(Music playing all throughout the club and sweaty bodies dancing on each other )

???: "Can I get a Hennessey with coke . "The stranger asked

Bartender: " Coming right up sexy." She said (winked)

Loriano P.O.V

( In club Vixen , just having a drink waiting on a business connect to show up , but spots Ziara from the V.I.P section upstairs)

Loriano: " She is very beautiful ." He thought

( leaves and goes to the bar to get another drink)

Loriano:"Can I get a Hennessey with coke" . He said (Italian accent)

Bartender:" Coming right up sexy." She said (winked)

(Bartender gives Loriano his drink and Ziara her shot of Hennessey, the two start a conversation while the bartender is tendering to other customers)

Loriano: " You don't look like the type of woman to be here". He said

Ziara: (chuckles) " You look like the type of guy to say that too ". I said

Loriano: " Sorry love I'm just saying". He said

Ziara: " Well sorry to tell ya this butternut but I really don't give a damn what ya think or say ( says while drinking her other shot just smiling)

(Ziara went on the dance floor and was swaying her hips while Loriano just stood there at the bar and just watched her thinking how can he persuade her to go home and have his way with her in his king sized black silk bed . Or he was dreaming about how she would say his name with them perfect luscious lips of hers and her body withering in his sheets. Loriano just by thinking about it was already growing a huge erection and was so upset cause he just met her and this already happening . )

Loriano goes up behind her turns her around , pulls her so close that her head I'd by his chest and his head is above hers . He leans down and nuzzles his head in the side of her soft silk like neck and peppering kisses up and down her neck then behind her ear which would her make sounds from her lips that she never made before. As this was going on his pants were getting tighter and tighter by each minute that goes by. Loriano holds Ziara by her arm and whispers in her ear " come with me ." softly while kissing on her . Ziara was hypothesized for a minute but then she realized that he was just a stranger , but a hot stranger at that, Ziara started to chew on her bottom lip to think and was looking down until she saw a tent in his pants and gasped , then she looked up with a confused look. " Why do you have an erection." she said so soft it was barely above a whisper, Loriano tucked her hair behind her ear and told her " Cause of you and that sexy body of yours." he said in his deep Italian accent. " Come with me to my house we don't have to do anything that you dont want to do please mia amata" .he said

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