Chapter 3: Confessions

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>>Raven's POV<<

I stand at the bridge, wishing Acona was here with me. I look over and see her staring at me from afar. We catch each others eyes. Hers are apologetic and I know mine are sad. She comes over to me. "Oh Raven...." She whispers.

"Yeah....." I say, turning back to our guests. My spirits rise as I see Lazari bouncing around like normal and Lucy trying to calm her down for my sake. "Want to go to warp?" I ask them.

Lazari gasps and starts to dance around, a huge smile on her face. "YES! YESYESYESYESYEYEYESYESYES!!!!" She shouts. Lucy nods.

"It feels weird to newbies though," I warn them. Lazari scrunches up her face, trying to understand something or just thinking. I can't really tell with that girl. "How about mach 5? For starters," I suggest. 

Damian rolls his eyes. "Captain, be nice."

"Try not to get them into motion sickness, that's that last thing that we need." Acona says.

"I don't like getting sick..." Lazari chirps. Lucy just sits there. I'm starting to wonder if she ever really speaks anymore; she's been quiet for so long. 

"Okay, okay. Let's go mach 2!" I compromise, pulling a lever and pushing a button which causes the sip to speed up. In the corner of my eye, I see Lazari run to the window, pressing her face against the glass. "LOOKIE! LOOK HOW FAST WE'RE GOING, LUCY!" She shouts, her voice muffled against the glass. 

"Don't smudge their glass, Lazi..." Lucy frets, speaking up for the first time in a while.

"I won't!" Lazari says with her face still on the glass. Her breath fogs up bits of the glass where her face was, and she stares at it a second, then starts giggling. I sit back in my chair, trying to hold back a smile but knowing I'm failing. Ozen walks over to me, a smile on his face. 

"Ship's purring like a shangle Captain!" He says.

I nod to him and look up at the stars, even though it hurts to do so.

>>Lucy's POV<<

I watch as Lazari presses her face against the window, watching the stars and planets go by. I have to admit, it's impressive. And pretty, too. I could get used to staring at them forever. 

Lazari stops drawing with her breath on the glass and walks over to Raven, grabbing his hand and swinging his arm back and forth. "Don't you wanna come look at the stars, too?" She asks. 

I gasps, going rigid. What is she thinking?! I expect Raven to shove her away, but he doesn't. Instead, he lets her hold his hand. " the view?" He asks her. Lazari nods a lot, trying to tug him over to the window. But she's unsuccessful. 

She frowns, trying something else. "I can't really see them that well, though, cause I'm too small. Piggyback?" She tugs on his arm and bats her eyes at him. He picks her up after a second, putting her on his shoulders again. "You see better now?" He asks her. She nods some more.

After a couple of minutes, he sets her down on the table. "Here. Sit here and watch."

"Okie!" She says happily. Suddenly, she gasps, pointing out the window. "WOOOOOOOOAH! What's that?!" 

Raven's face changes to a pained expression. "It's a nebula. It's whats left after a star dies..." And he walks out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Damian says, and I find myself asking the same thing in my head.

"Oh, then my mommy is a nebula too! Cause Mommy isn't here anymore." Lazari says, oblivious. 

"What happened to her?" Elien asks. 

Lazari's face falls, and she's holding back tears again. "Mommy.......Mommy found a rope in the garage. She told me to stay in the house while she went outside. I got worried when she didn't come back, so I went to look for her. I saw her in the tree. She was playing rope swing without me!" Lazari wipes at her eyes.

I glare at the others as if to say "Don't tell her what suicide is!". 

Raven walks back in with Acona. "Lazi, I have something I have to tell you." He says, but stops when he sees her crying. "..........Lazari?"

She wipes at her eyes some more, but smiles wide. "I'm okay!" She says, trying to sound cheerful. 

Raven looks like he doesn't believe her but continues. ".......You and your sister are always welcome here, you know."

"Raven?" Acona whispers.

".......Yeah.......I...just............should give them a chance."

Damian laughed. "Good idea, Cap. Just no buttons for the little one."

Raven held back a smile, but Lazari was staring at the ground. Her face had changed to being sad again. "WHY?! WHY ARE YOU BEING SO NICE TO US?! WE'RE FREAKS! LUCY'S CLASSMATES WANTED TO KILL HER, AND HUMANS HATE ME AND CALL ME EVIL! SO WHY?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!" She cried. 

I didn't know what to say or do. I froze for a second before coming to my senses. I tried to comfort her, reassure her, anything! "L-Lazi! Don't say that!"

"Tell them," Acona said to Raven.

There was a pause. Everyone looked at Raven. "BECAUSE YOU REMIND ME OF THE ONLY DAUGHTER I HAD THAT WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!!" He shouts, running out of the room again.

Lazari stood there, confusion on her face. I took a step towards her but she took off after him. I watched as she ran to him and hugged him tightly, still crying. He hesitated, but hugged her back. And it was then I realized....everything was going to be okay now....

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