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He heard the noise of her heels. They weren't that far off. Perfect timing too. 11 pm.

The new moon would hide him in the shadows.

This was all new to him but he had to try it. It always caught his attention. He wanted that pretty little face. Perhaps he could start some type of collection. And this pulled him closer to the victum. Her skin must be soft. He would stalk his prey for two days or more depending. Most people in this town were predictable. He knew where she was heading.

To a party.

Stupid little girl, he thought. He had seen an invitation she had dropped, leading him right to her. He himself wasn't all that bad. Girls would ask him out. Just throw themselve like objects. He would simply say no and the girl would run off. He liked their faces full of tears of sadness. It was pleasing. Now he craved for her crying face. She would get there soon, so he should interfere immediately. No witnesses are necessary.

"Hey," he creeped out of the corner looking like someone going to the party as well.

"You going to the party?" Her voice was flirty. She must think he's popular. Ha! Even better than he'd expected.

"There's a better party in a private little area. I could invite you," his smile worked. She held his hand.

"I've seen you in school, too cool for those ugly chicks," He knew where this was going.

"I think you are way cuter than anyone I've known. Oh just to let you know the party is a little far and I don't want your good looking legs to get hurt with those heels. Do you want to go in the car?"

She only put attention to the compliment, smiling and nodding.

Was this how murders went? He pondered at the thought. He drove to the place as planned.

"I forgot to get some drinks from my friend. You don't mind waiting. You could also go inside if you want," he was out the car and in the house. The door was unlocked because he had the feeling she would come. Her clothes told you she could do and would do anything.

The door creaked. He grabbed the bottles and tried to walk out the door when she put her hand on his chest. She kissed him, long, hard, and with lust.

He had to act with her, but had to think of a way to get her a drink. Once the kiss broke up he offered her a drink.

"How's some vodka sound?" He asked.

"Sound like fun."

He stirred in seconds and brought the shot. One after the other she seemed to be getting sleepy. He got on top of her and touched her face. The one he longed for. She thought of it as him wanting to cuddle but in his eyes was something no one would want for their future.


She woke up in a garage. She tried to move but saw she was tied on a table, one you would see for mentally ill people. Her heart started pumping. Sure this was a dream. No a nightmare. She'll wake soon.

The man from the party. Wait she never went to a party. He stopped her. Took her to his house...

It took some time for her to realize she had been a fool. Not just a fool but an extremely stupid one. She'd seen it in movies and now she was here. Tear rolled down her cheeks and she had only just noticed.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" She screeched. "HELP!!! SOMEONE!"

She shook violently but proved futile. Then she hear steps.

"Please help. I'm only 18. My name is Alise. Call the cops before he comes!!" She must be histerical.

"Calm down, we haven't even started." He spoke calmly. His black hair covered his face, but she knew what he looked like.

"What are you going to do with me," she croaked. All she could see were the knives on the table. They shined as he grabbed a small one.

He only smiled in response. The knife came close to her eye. Alise chocked a sobbed.

It slid down her face slowly and gently, but it didnt cut her. Not yet. The metal then made its way back to the eye.

"Should i keep it?" He shook his head. "No."

She screamed as he brought the knife deep into Alise's eye.


Continue or nah? Leave a vote or comment. They are appreciated!! This is a whole knew thing for me and i just want to try it out. For those who have experienced with these types of stories let me know how i did. I hope yall like this, and wasnt too gruesome. Until next time my peeps


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