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If you haven't read my the first book to this called Save Me Not then please go do so, if you have then enjoy.

1 year and 6 months later ...

(Kylee POV)
I am currently sitting in the doctors office waiting for my test results to get back. I had been feeling sick the last few weeks and just decided to come get a checkup to make sure my cancer hasn't returned. "Kylee we have the results of you test," the doctor say as he enter into the room. "Ok so what is it is my cancer back," I ask feeling scared for the answer I may receive. "No actually it's good news your pregnant," he say with a smile. "Really but I was told I may not be able to get pregnant after my chemo I had last year," I say in shock. "I know but sometimes miracles happen, but as your pregnancy progress we will need to keep a close eye on you and the baby to make sure there is no complications," he say as he continues to look over my files. "So your saying my pregnancy is high risk," I ask him with concern. "As of now no, but after all your body went through last year with the cancer and chemo its best we get you a gynecologist to make sure both you and your baby stay healthy and free of risk," he say in a reassuring tone. "Ok I will get in to see one later this week," I tell him before getting off the bed and following him out of the room.

I wait at the kitchen table for Drew to get home so I can share the news, and as I here the door open to our apartment I start feeling nervous because we had not talked about having kids since I was told that I would most likely not be able to. "Hey baby what's wrong," Drew ask as he see the scared looking my face. "I have to tell you something," I say as he comes closer to me. "What is it, what did the doctor say about you feeling sick," he asks me with a concerned look on his face. I hadn't even realized I was crying until I feel Drew's had on my face. "Kylee it's going to be ok if your cancers back you have beat it once you can beat it again," he say trying to call me down. "I don't have cancer, Drew I'm pregnant," I let out quickly with a small laugh. "Your what," he ask in shock as he quickly sits on the nearest bar stool. "I'm pregnant and I know we haven't talked about it but Drew I'm happy, please tell me your happy too," I say as panic begins to wash over me. "Oh Kylee," he says as he takes me into his arms. "I am happy, shocked but happy," he says with a smile before placing his lips on mine kissing me with so much love. After breaking the kiss he gets on his knees and places a small kiss on my stomach the says, "I promise you little one we will try to be the best parents possible to you."

(Drew POV)
When I walked into the apartment to find a scared Kylee sitting at the table my heart dropped as I just knew it was her cancer returning that was making her sick and I should have been there at the appointment for her. I was so shocked and a bit scared when she said she was pregnant, it was the last thing I had expected to here her say beings we had been told by a couple different doctors that she had a very small chance of ever getting pregnant. "Here you go sit down and take it easy and I will cook us supper tonight," I tell her as I make her go sit on the couch. "Drew you do know just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm going to break," she say laughing as she try's to make her way back to the kitchen. "I don't care my pregnant wife is going to take it easy breakable or not, because this baby is a miracle and I'm not taking any chances with your or that baby," I scold at her as I make her sit back down. "Fine I will sit but not here, I want to be in the kitchen with you so we can talk," she say stubbornly as she walks back to the kitchen. "Fine as long as you promise to stay sitting and do nothing," I say giving into her a little. "So how far along are you," I ask her not able to hide the smile on my face. "I'm not sure I will have to make an appointment for next week and find out," she tells me with a smile that matches mine. "Ok let me know when it is so that I can get off work and go with you," I tell her as I turn my attention back to cooking us dinner. "I can't believe that in a few short months we will have a little around here, I guess we better enjoy the quit while it last," she say with laughter. "That's ok I don't mind having some noise but maybe we should look for us a bigger place to live before the baby gets here," I say to her as my mind begins to wonder about what the baby will look like and if it will be a boy or a girl. I hope it's a girl but no matter if it's a boy or a girl I will be happy as long as it's healthy.

Authors Note:
There is a video on this chapter that I found on YouTube and I thought it was perfect for this book.

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