Chapter 3:

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I pushed through some people and found the stairs. "Finally." I whispered to myself. I walked up the stairs and opened the first door I saw, bad idea.
"Dakota!" JJ ran up to me and hugged my stiff body.
"Hi." He let go. "I haven't seen you in years! Literally!"
"Ya, I have to go. See later." See you never. 
"No, come in, let's talk." I sat down on a bed.
"How have you been?"
"Good." He nodded. I looked down and fumbled with my fingers.
"Let's fuck each other." I looked up with wide eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?!" I stood up.
"Let's fuck each other." He some how got me on my back, on the bed, with him on top of me.
"I've been waiting forever to get th-" I cut him off.
"R-A-P-E GET YOU'RE HANDS OFF OF ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"It's not going to work sweet-cheeks."
But it did, the door bursts open and Jacob was standing there. He shoved JJ off me and picked me up bridal style. He brought me downstairs and we went outside.
"How-err you know what never mind."
I took a deep breath. "This is why I wasn't going to come to the graduation party."
"Do you want to go home?" I nodded and we walked to his car. He dropped me off at home and we said our goodbyes.
My phone started ringing, so I answered it.
"Cassy, I haven't talked to you in forever!"
"So, how are you?"
"Good, you?"
"I'm good, are you and Jacob still together or no?"
"Yes, we are still together. I am actually with him right now." I chuckled a little.
"Great. Oh, let me say hi." I put her on speaker phone.
"Hi Jacob!"
"Hi Cassy, how are you?"
"Good, oh and I forget to tell you guys that my neighbor is our age, she's so nice."
"What's her name?"
"Well, we have to get going all talk to you soon."
"Ok, bye." She hung up. I miss her, ever since she moved to New York I haven't talked to her.

I laid back onto my bed and my head hit Jacob's chest.
I sat up and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through Instagram and saw a picture of Jacob on a text post page.
"Oh my god." I chuckled. "What?"
I showed him the picture.
"Oh my god, that's hilarious. It says where is this guy and why aren't we married." He chuckled. I commented and said the he lives in Oregon and that he is my boyfriend. Some people responded with 'omg you're so lucky!' I laughed.
"That's a little weird." We laughed and I scrolled through Instagram more. I saw a text post that said 'let's go on a date and by date I mean lay in bed and make out for 3 hours' I laughed.
"You would want to do this." I said to Jacob, showing it to him.
"Yes I would." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

He sat up and I put my phone down. I stood up and stretched. Jacob slapped my butt while I was and turned around.
"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and sat down on his lap.
"You're so beautiful." I leaned in and kissed him. I faced my body to his and he pulled me closer to him.
We stopped a couple times to breathe.
After a half an hour, we stopped.
"Do you want to know how girls liked to be kissed?" He cautiously nodded.
I leaned in and licked the side of his face. "So that's how you like it?" I smiled and he licked the side of my face. "That was great." I wiped the side of my face off. I got off his lap.
"Well," He got up. "I'm going to get going." We went into the living room and we said goodbye. 
I went back into my room and relaxed.
"Travis, you're very smart not to do a party and just have you're friends." Sage said getting in the pool. 
"I know, I'm very smart." He smirked.
"But not smart enough to take a test." I said before I went inside his house. I changed into my bathing suit and took off both of my necklaces.
Went I came outside, I got picked up by Ryan and shot into the pool.
"Ryan!" He smirked and jumped in.
I swam around and got pulled under by Dylan. I kicked him in his face and swam up. 

"God Dakota! Why the fuck would you do that?!" He swam to the side as Kyra went inside to get an ice pack.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine." He huffed out. After he felt better he was back to his normal self.
I looked at my phone and saw I got a text from my cousin.
'I would love if you could be my maid of honor. If you want to, please bring you're boyfriend. I've wanted to meet him.' I texted her back.
'I would love to, I will have to ask him if he can but he most likely can come.'
She was like the sister I never had, hope the brides maid dress is going to look good on me.

I went over to the swing set Travis had and sat on Jacob's lap.
"Hey beautiful." I smiled.
"I'm going to be the maid of honor at my cousins wedding and she wanted you to come." 
"I would love to come."
"I'll ask her details tomorrow and let you know." I smiled. 
"You're the best girlfriend ever." He kissed me and pulled me closer to him. He started pumping so we could swing.
"Jacob! I'm going to fall! Don't do that!"
"I won't let you fall." He held me close.
"You're the best boyfriend ever." I hugged him and we slowed down.
I got off and we went in the pool.
It was almost time for fireworks, so we went on the trampoline and sat and waited to watch them.
"This side has so many heavier people on it." Georgia said from next to me. One side of the trampoline has down more.
"Georgia go sit on the other side and see if it makes a difference." I said as she got up and sat in the other side.
"Not that much, you get up." I got up and sat next to her.
"There was no difference, are you like zero pounds?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No, let me sit on the other side." I got up and sat back where I was before.
"See, no difference. Why are you so interested in this?"
"Whatever, there's no difference ether now. I seriously want to know how mu-" She paused, looking deep in thought.   
"Jacob! Is Dakota heavy or extremely light?" He paused his conversation with Ryan and looked at Georgia.
"She's average weight, I guess."
"You should know, you lift her up all the time." 
"Let me see." He laid down on his stomach and told me to sit on top of him, and I did.
"Does it feel like she's there?"
"Not really, I feel her butt on my back, but that's it."
"Is it like she is 1 pound?"
"I guess, I don't know." I got off his back and he sat up.
"Georgia, you are one weird person." The fireworks started going off and we looked at them. They where beautiful.

Georgia is one weird girl. Chapter 4 won't come out for a while because it's very special and I have to wait. Hope you liked it 😊

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~ Michela💐

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