We Can Make it Through This

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Once again, Allan A Dale found himself behind the iron bars of his cell, but this time he wasn't alone.

"Allan, what are we going to do?" His wife Cassandra asked, placing her hand on her slightly swollen belly. He scooted a little closer to her and placed his strong hand over her trembling one. A few days ago, they found out that Cassandra was carrying their child. Both of them knew what Gisborne and the jailer were capable of doing and Cassandra was terrified for the unborn babe. He tenderly kissed her lips.

"I will think of something. I will not let anything happen to our child. We can make it through this."

They heard the bang of the dungeon door and two different sets of footsteps. Allan swallowed his fear.

"Try to be strong love. If they can see fear, they will become ruthless with whatever they decide to do with us."

She nodded and stood up. They were both thankful she didn't look pregnant, because they didn't know what they would do to her if they knew. The jailer and Gisborne approached the couple's cell. The jailer opened the cell door and Gisborne walked in. Allan grabbed his wife's hand and gently squeezed it, trying to relax her.

"Well, well, looks like I've gotten lucky this time. I have both A-Dales at the same time."

"Gisborne, please leave her out of this. You have me, let her go."

Gisborne just let an evil smirk spread across his face.

"But that would mean giving up the opportunity to make one of you break twice as fast. Take them to the great hall."

Gisborne grabbed Allan and the jailer grabbed Cassandra. They dragged them both down the stone hall until they reached two large wooden doors to the great hall. Cassandra's heart dropped into her stomach and swayed slightly as a wave of nausea and dizziness passed over her as she thought about what would happen to her once they passed the doors. Cassandra tried to pull herself out of the jailer's grip, but he just grabbed her tighter, yanking her into the great hall. Allan and Cassandra were forcibly dragged to two wooden poles that reached up to the high ceiling. They had their hands tied behind them, around the back of the poles. Gisborne and the jailer walked over to Cassandra, obviously starting with her.

"Gisborne please leave her out of this! She has nothing to do with anything! You have me, you don't need her! Let her go!" Allan pleaded, desperate to save his wife and unborn child. Gisborne, being the heartless man that he is, just smirked at the desperation in Allan's voice and signaled the jailer to get started. Gisborne stepped back a few paces and the jailer stood directly in front of the terrified and trembling woman before him.

"Now, where is Robin Hood?"

Cassandra took a deep breath and tried to swallow to relieve the cotton mouth she had developed.

"I'll never tell you!" She yelled, surprising everyone in the room with the braveness in her voice. The jailer reached his hand back and swung, the back of his hand slamming against Cassandra's face. Allan flinched and Cassandra's eyes filled with tears of agony as the entire right side of her face erupted in unbearable pain.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Gisborne asked Cassandra. She looked him in the eye, biting back the few words she wished to call him.

"I will never tell you anything, you heartless swine!"

"Cassandra!" She heard Allan sternly say to her and when Cassandra turned back to Gisborne, she instantly wished she could take it back. Gisborne's eyes were burning with anger as he stomped up to her.

"What did you call me, you wretch?"

Cassandra swallowed hard.

"You heard me." She said, less confidently as she saw the desire to hurt her in his dark, empty eyes.

"You just made this worse for yourself." Gisborne growled and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking down so she cried out and she was looking straight up. The jailer walked over to the fire and pulled a sword from the flames, the tip red hot. The jailer spit on the tip, listening to the sizzle as the spit dissolved away. He walked over to Gisborne and handed him the sword. He grabbed the handle with his free hand and brought the blade up to her neck. She could feel the heat coming from the tip and tried to brace herself for what she knew was coming.

"One last chance wench, where is Robin Hood?"

Cassandra kept her mouth shut and Gisborne brought the tip to Cassandra's neck. Allan could only watch in terror and helplessness as his wife screamed out in agony as the sword not only burned her, but cut her as well, amplifying the pain. Allan knew what that felt like, and it was not something he would wish on his worst enemy, let alone his kind and caring wife. That was the final straw for Allan. Even if he had to die on that pole, he couldn't let them hurt her anymore. It was too horrific and heart wrenching for him to watch.

"Guy, that's enough! Just let her go! Do whatever you want to me, just stop torturing her! She is a woman for god's sake! Just leave her out of this! This is between you and me!"

Gisborne looked over at Allan, who was crying a little. Allan felt so helpless; he couldn't do anything to stop the unbelievable agony his wife was in. Gisborne walked away from the sobbing mess of a woman to Allan. Cassandra watched through tear filled eyes as Gisborne approached her husband.

"If that is what you prefer." Gisborne snarled and punched Allan in the stomach, making him grunt and bend forward as much as he could whilst being tied to a pole. Allan coughed from the amount of strength Gisborne had put into his blow.

"Please don't hurt him!" Cassandra begged through her tears of pain. Gisborne repeated his blow once more and Allan's face contorted as he held back a scream of agony.

"Cassy, I want you to promise me something." Allan called to his wife, his voice breaking from the amount of pain he was in.

"Anything." She sobbed back. Allan took a deep breath.

"No matter what happens here tonight, I want you to promise me that you won't tell them anything."

Gisborne, full of uncontrolled rage, sent another powerful blow to Allan's face.

"I promise Allan!" She cried, praying that Robin and the gang would show up before she had to watch her husband be tortured to death. The doors to the great hall crashed open and as if on cue, Robin and his gang began to fight off the jailer and Gisborne. Both Allan and Cassandra began to cry tears of relief. Will left the battle for a moment to let Allan free. Allan immediately ran to his suffering wife and untied her wrists. She collapsed into his waiting arms and cried as he held her close to her body.

"I'm so sorry." He cried into her hair over and over again.

"Let's go!" Robin yelled and everyone left the great hall and ran into the castle courtyard. Allan and Cassandra were lagging behind; exhausted from the torture they just suffered. Little John ran back to them and hoisted them over his shoulders and ran to where Much was holding the horses.

"What happened?" He asked when he saw the two wrecks that used to be Allan and Cassandra. Little John just shook his head and helped them onto a horse. The gang took off to the camp, checking back every few minutes to make sure that Allan and Cassandra had not fallen off their horse. They arrived at the camp and everyone stopped to help the exhausted and suffering couple. Little John helped them off their horse and noticed the slice on Cassandra's neck.


Robin rushed to Cassandra, all color drained from her face. Robin examined her neck.

"We'll get you help Cassandra."

Allan held his wife in his arms.

"Cassy, I'm so sorry you had to go through this."

Cassandra looked up to her husband's tear filled eyes.

"Me too."

"You will be okay." Allan whispered consolingly as his wife slipped into unconsciousness. Allan kissed her face and stroked her hair, tears streaming down his face as he prayed she would wake up.

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