day 1: laura

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** the whole story will be told in ross' point of view**

I walked through the hallways of my high school. as I walked I got winks thrown at me, stares and whispers, and glares from teachers. it became a normal thing everyday.

I had my bag slug over my shoulder, and my hands stuffed into my pockets.

"hey ross." said katie, the hottest cheerleader on the squad.

she bit her lip as she walked by.

one time we made out after school. let's just say she realllllly knows how to turn a guy on.

but anyway, she's now currently dating zach, a guy on the football team.

he hates me because I slept with his last girlfriend, kayla.

but she's a damn good kisser.

as I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but notice someone I haven't seen before.

she had brown hair, brown eyes to go along with it, and the prettiest smile. it- it's so sweet, so innocent.

a tingly feeling ran through me.

who is that girl?

I continued on the way to my locker, desperately wanting to know who she was.

there was something about her. her kind smile that just made me drawn to her.

I'm gonna break her heart like every other girl I've dated.

and now that I've found another victim, I'm determined to do whatever it took to make her fall for me.

I'll be the last one she says goodnight to,

the first person she says good morning to,

the only one she pecks on the lips,

and the only one in her heart.

and at the end, she'll end up crying over me.

because even if I did think that she was gorgeous, and I did end up going out with her, I can't stay with one girl forever.

it doesn't work for me that way.

once I start getting bored with her, I'm done.


school was now over and I decided to make my move on laura now.

she was walking out of mr. green's room.

she's in Algebra 2 honors...damn.

I know I'm not gonna get every girl at first, but eventually I will.

I walked to go talk to laura, but mr. green stopped me.

"what do you think you're doing trying to go after her." he looked at me sternly.

"I wanna go out with her. duh." I said cooly.

"don't even bother with her. do you hear me mr. lynch?" I rolled my eyes in response, and he flared his nostrils.

"hey, laura, right?" I said, walking next to her.

"that would be me." was all she said, while walking out the front doors of the school.

"so...would you like to come grab some froyo with me?" I asked, and she looked at me.

"only froyo?" she asked, and I nodded.

"and you're paying?" she asked with a cute smile, and I nodded.

"okay..." she said, and we walked off to my car.

I smirked as I opened the door to my car for her.

"so...laura..." I got into the car and drove off.


idk if you guys like this or not...sorry 😕

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