Chapter 1

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hello!!! C,J's here..... i decide to make a story to my girlfriend.. i wish she read this tho.... i love her moon or no moon.... hehe yeah... BTW i lived in Los Angeles,CA current city Spokane,Washington.... im reised in Spokane,Washington i have one bro. jackson and one sister olivia..... im 14 years old... my girlfriend is always jealousing to me when girl kissed me on my cheeks... she always saw the pic. when i post it..... but she always forgive cuz she love me.... yeah i love her too.. ofcourse... okay... done
Hello!!! Nhicol's here ..... as you know i have a boyfriend name C,J ...... he lived in Los Angeles,CA and i lived here in Atlanta,Georgia.... if you guys know that we have long distance relationship... and thats super duper hard.... sometimes i got to be jealous when girls kiss him... on his cheeks.. its making me pissed off.... thats why i hate long distance... but i dont mean i dont like our relationship..... ofcourse i like it.... sometimes i want to tell them.. that ("You must Fuck off to my boyfriend... bitch!!!!!) so yeah guys... done.....

7:00pm ohmy!!!!!! ... i gtg to meet my friends.. (jordyn,kaycee and brooke) at Althea's coffee... what should i wear????? help me..... /////////////////////// i decide tho wear a nike jeans... i gotta get faster.......
ringggg!!!( call )

OmFg!!! C,j is calling ....ohh.. i answered it...
hey!!! bae!!!- cj
hey!! - me
What you do mah bae??- cj
Hmmm......getting ready??- me
ohh... are you busy??- cj
no!no! bae im not!!- me
awww.. okay bae!!- cj
bye!! bae i GTG TTYL !!- me
okay.. bae!! bye!!- cj
love you!! bae- me
awee... love you too.. bae!!- me
(call ended)
so what now guys.....
so i clean up my messy room and go away....

next chapter

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