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Seol HaNi
-A nerd that have been accepted by Seoul High School
-An Orphan

Kim Jong In( Kai)
-Don't like girls because of the past incident
-Only D.O knows why
-Attracted to HaNi after an incident

Oh Se Hun
- Likes HaNi but afraid to confess

Do KyungSoo (D.O)
-Kai's bestfriend
-Knows why Kai don't like girls
-Genius Boy
-Likes to hang around the rooftop

Byun Baekhyun
-Charming Boy
-Every girls like him
-Being HaNi's bestfriend on her very first day

Park Chanyeol
-HaNi childhood friend HaNi don't know
-Always cheer HaNi up

The others characters are as usual;
Lu Han
SuHo (Kim JunMyoon)
Lay (Zhang Yixing)
Tao (Hwang Zi Tao)
Kris (Kris Wu)
Chen ( Kim JongDae)
Xiumin (Kim MinSeok)

Authors notes:
Okay thats,the character...
Enjoy the stories..


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