Meanwhile in pitchs lier he was pacing backwards and forwards trying to figure out a way for him to get Harry on his side. With Harry on his side he would win. He is the most powerful guardian at the moment untill he learns how to control his anger then he will the same power as all the other guardians.
" I need to find a way to get that boy onto my team but how? " pitch say their question for hours. But then he heard digging from one of his walls. " of course why didn't I think of it before? Harry cares for the guardians and he will fellow them anywhere. Watch out guardians here I come".
Meanwhile on the surface bunny was putting eggs everywhere as tomorrow was easter. Pitch came out of his biding place and made one of his minions. Bunny stopped and looked around. He didn't see anything so carried on putting eggs around. But then he felt something hit his back. It was a needle but it was made of black sand. Bunny saw glod dust inside it was a sleeping needle. Bunny suddenly fell asleep the last thing he saw was pitch.
" oh my head what happened? ..... Pitch!?" Bunny jumped up but then fell again he was chained by black sand. He looked up and saw pitch. " pitch what are you doing?" Pitch chuckled and then pulled out a huge plan.
" well easter bunny. My plan is to get Harry vampire to join my team. Once I've done that I will turn him evil and you will all die." Pitch said with honor and happiness. " he will never join you pitch." Pitch walked over to a lever and pulled it. Once he did the floor around bunny fell apart revealing lava. Bunny jumped up because lava can badly hurt the guardians.
" what the hell pitch!." Pitch chuckled " Harry will give up his life go save you guys" with those words pitch left and locked the door so of bunny did get free. He wouldn't be able to get out. Meanwhile back at the north pole north was making presents. When tooth turned up with jack. " hello guys what can I do for you?" North asked. Tooth looked at jack and jack looked at tooth. Then tooth floated forward. " we wanted to know how things were going with harry."
North went quite and looked down he didn't want them to know how my blue powers work. Because powers being powered by anger and fear is never good. But how does north tell them? But then all of a sudden the floor turned into a tunnel that bunny normally makes. But they didn't lead to bunny they lead to pitchs laor nd waiting at the bottom was pitch himself.
" welcome guardians"
The New Guardian
FanfictionPitch has return for his revenge. And a new guardian has been chosen to defeat pitch. but will pitch get the guardian on his side or will this guardian send him back to endless darkness.