Chapter 3

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I finally figured it out. She's the curse. My stepmother, she's the curse. She's the reason behind this same dream I've had every single night. And that's why she needs to die. And I'm going to do it. Kill her. I've got it all planned. Sure, I could just slit her throat while she's asleep, or give her rat poison, but that's just going to make me look weak. Too scared to actually kill her in the proper way she deserves.


What she deserves is a slow and utterly painful death. Because you see, when she'll die, she won't be able to make me have this dream. And when she won't make me have it, then I'll never be scared again.


I woke up again, screaming and perspiring cold sweat after the dream. No, not a dream, nightmare. The nightmare.

Once again, she was at the door. She stepped towards me, the usual, fake motherly smile plastered to her face.

"Oof," I said, as she sat down beside me, stroking my hair. "I just can't sleep anymore tonight, not with this dream. I'm going to get a cup of tea. You want one?" I asked.

My stepmother looked a little surprised. Well, I didn't usually do these type of acts of kindness, especially with her.

She replied with an "Of course."

I went down. Made the tea. Made sure that I knew which cup was meant to be hears, and which one was supposed to be mine, then stirred the sleeping pill into her tea, a wide smile gracing my face.


Early update because last time I updated 4 days late :/ Hope you like this, even though its not really that exiting. 

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