LOVE is full of LIES

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I stood there facing my locker speechless with a goofy grin on my face.

"Saharah!" I heard my best friend call my name


She repeated again but this time shook me by the arm.I still didn't snap out of it .

I'm in one of my trance and only one thing snaps me out.

"Hmm....oh well then , guess I'll have to go to class and learn all that new stuff all by myself."

That's what snap me out of it. I quickly grabbed my bag and Trinity by the arm.

"OUCH?!" she yelled "Saharah what the hell is wrong with you!?"

"...Ummm .... Davion..." I was cut of at Davion.

"Woah Davion what?, stop stuttering and talk."

She stopped walking and turned to face me.That goofy grin spread across my lips again.

"He personally invited me to his party!"

I blurted out in an excited and chirpy tone.

"What?!" Trinity screamed out as elated as ever causing me to block my ears.

When that girl is excited about something trust me, you definately have to block your ears.

"Ok you mean like he he asked you to come?"

"Yes!" I said as happy as ever that yes sounded as though I was tie-tounge.

I'm walking with Trinity to my first period which is history and I can't stop thinking about the fact he asked me to come with him to the party and not like, um, Amber Hook. She's really pretty and has a great figure and her brunette hair suits her perfectly. So why would he want to go with me,a girl who has ugly glasses ,isn't and is VERY unpopular that has dirty blonde hair ,babbles a lot and spends everyday of her life in the library

Why me?


So I'm in history in the far right at the back... well technically I'm two rows from the back but whatever . The point is that I'm here but I can't focus on shit because Davion is boring holes into my side with his gaze and I can't help but notice him staring I mean I'm sweating like a potcover. Yeah I say potcover instead of pig ,it sounds more logical. Anyways and his looks add to list off distractions for me ,you could just look at it all day.

"Saharah!" I heard my name being boomed through the classroom.

"Umm yes sir... Mr.Hitch?" I responded promply switching my head from its previous location and to the teacher who was making his way swiftly to my desk.

"Might I asked why you aren't paying attention in class? "

"I am paying attention sir."

"What page are we on?" He asked tapping his foot making me nervous.

Oh boy this is not going to end well...

Tell him you were preoccupied watching Davion...

What! Conscience hush I'm trying to think.

I talk to myself so what.

I hate this so much. I don't like attention and that dudes' tapping foot is making it worse.

I bit my fingernail taking a quick look around the class just to be sure who was watching me then I spoted Trinity who looked as though she was putting loose hair behind her ear but she was actually signing the page to me. YES! 67.

LOVE is full of LIESWhere stories live. Discover now