Chapter 4

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Jay pov

Yo this is only first period and mad stuff just happen and I got every class with these mofos. But if it wasn't for school everyone that is so close now wouldn't be. August and Sasha. Kaitlin and Drake. Trey and Jordyn. Riana and Tyga. Chris and me. Even tho no one is dating or kissed yet except Riana and Tyga and Trey and Jordyn. We all just trying to figure out where these relationships could go. I'm excited to find out. I have computers next for 2 periods. I was talking to Chris when the bell rang we went our separate ways to go to our friends. Kaitlin and Sasha were already talking which was expected but what wasn't was that Jordyn and Riana was there with them. I guess they are in our group now😂.

"Hey guys" (Jaylyn)
(A/n: since there is a lot of people talking this scene I have to put their names in quotes)

"Oh hey jay" (Kaitlin)

"Hey jay" (all the girls)

"So what we talking about" (Jaylyn)

"The party after school" (Sasha)

"Who's going" I looked around at them

"Tyga" (Riana)

"August" (Sasha)

"Drake" (Kaitlin) she blushed when she said that.

"Trey" Jordyn bit her lip

"And Chris" I said looking down

"Hold the fuck up." (Sasha)

"What" (Jaylyn)

"All these fucking boys" (Sasha)

"Yup" I giggled

"I better not find someone having sex in the guest room" *cough* Kaitlin *cough*

"What, me?" (Kaitlin)

"Yes with your hoe ass" I said with a straight face.

"You right"

We all laughed

The second bell rang so we left and as a pack of people went to every single persons locker so they could put their bags in there. We don't need our backpacks for computers and right after we have lunch anyway. We went to the last persons locker (Riana) cause hers was the closest to the computer room and walked in. It's the first day and we got to pick our Seats. The boys were already here and they picked The last row. So we of course went a row ahead of them and it's 6 computers in the row so it fits us perfectly well almost. We sat at the computer right in front of our crushes obviously. I could see Chris in the black screen of my computer I stared really hard and I guess he noticed cause he started making weird faces and started laughing I blushed and took out my phone so I would look at my lap. Then a text popped up.

Text convo

😘❤️👅💍Chris: hey I saw you staring... You like what you see. Emphasis on like.

Me: possibly

😘❤️👅💍Chris: I think you already know how I feel.

Me: actually I don't. Care to explain...

😘❤️👅💍Chris: not now baby girl but soon.

Me: ok

😘❤️👅💍Chris: now do your work and stop looking at me

I didn't even bother to text back.

The next two periods went by in a blur I was honestly bored.

>>fast forward to 3 period (still computers)<<

Trey pov

I think I'm getting over jay. Jordyn is amazing and is a great person to be around. Me makes me laugh. She's beautiful and we have plenty in common. But I'm still going to the movies with jay tomorrow I just need to know if I'm really over her or not. The whole class I saw her and Chris making cute faces to each other and laughing but this time it didn't bother me cause I had Jordyn right in front of me looking beautiful.

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