Scott and Allison

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When Scott was dead for 15 minutes

"Hello? Where am I?" Scott looks around. He has no idea what happened. One minute he was in the library with Liam and Mason the next he's here. The place looks like school, but it's all white. Clean.
"You're right. We're at school." A female voice says.
Scott turns around with tears in his eyes. It can't be. "Allison?" His voice I shaky.
"Yeah. It's me." Scott runs over to her and kisses her. He stops kissing her and wraps her up in a hug. "Don't cry." She says to him.
"How can this be? Your dead." He says stepping back.
"I am." She replies.
"Am I dead?" Scott asks
"Only if you want to be."
"Will I get to stay with you?"
"If you want to."
"Have you talked to Erica or Boyd? How are they? What about Aiden? Have you..."
"Scott! They're all doing fine. We all talk everyday. Aiden looks after Lydia and Ethan. Erica and Boyd are just enjoying life up here."
"What about you?"
"I watch over you guys. Kira was really upset when she had to leave. Don't let her go that easily. Fight for her. And Scott. Don't let one little mistake that stiles made ruin your friendship. You guys are brothers. You're going to need to forgive him. You're also going to have to apologize to all of them for trusting Theo and getting them all hurt."
"I know. I just don't think any of them will accept my apology. I mean why would they?"
"Because they're your pack. It will take some time. But you will regain all their trust."
"You said were in the school?" Scott asks, changing the subject.
"But where? Everything looks so different."
"You didn't already realize? This is where we met. Where you gave me your only pen." Allison lightly laughs.
Scott looks around.
"I heard you talking outside on the phone about how you didn't have a pen. You just looked and sounded so beautiful." Scott just stared at Allison. "I never got to tell you that I love you. You died in my arms. I never got the chance to tell you." Scott started crying again. Tears were spilling down his cheeks.
"Shh. I know. I've always known. You, Isaac, my dad, Lydia, Stiles. I know.
And hey, thanks for including me in senior scribe."
"You were there?" Scott's eyes filled with tears again.
"I'm always there."
"Allison. I need to go." Scott says all of a sudden.
"What?" Allison didn't look surprised though.
"I need to get back to my pack. I need to get back." Scott was frantic now. "I have to get back to them."
"Then go." Allison was smiling at him.
He started to go but turned back to her. "Wait. I can't leave you. Not again. Losing you nearly crushed me."
"I know." A single tear ran down her face.
He ran back and hugged her so tight not wanting to forget what she felt like in his arms. His first love. "I love you."
"I know. And I love you." She said. "But you have to go. But can you do something for me?" She waited for Scott to nod. "Can you tell stiles I'm happy for him. I'm happy that he's found someone as great as Malia, but I'm still routing for him and Lydia. And can you tell Lydia to smile more because someone could be falling in love with her smile. And if you ever see Isaac tell him that I miss him. And if you see my dad please tell him that I love him." Tears ran down her face.
"I will. I love you." Scott finally stopped hugging her.
"I love you too."
"It's been so hard without you. I think I'm the reason all this has happened."
"Hey. It's not your fault. And you can make it all right. But you have to go. Your moms waiting for you. Go!" She turned away.
"Allison!" Scott yells.
"Go!" She replies.
"I don't know if I can. Maybe if I don't go back it will be better." Scott says.
"No. It won't. It will be worse. They need you. You need to defeat Theo. Your pack needs you. Your mom needs you. Kira needs you. Go!"
With that Scott leaves the room. He quickly turns around and goes back in. "Will you come with me?" He asks.
She turns towards him. "Of course." She walks towards him and they exit the room. As they're walking he grabs her hand for reassurance. She squeezes his hand.
When they get to the library they are Mason sitting there looking defeated and Melissa running in. Scott just stands there for a minute watching as his mother tries to preform CPR as Mason tells her it's no use.
Allison lets go of Scott's hand and pushes him towards his body. "You need to go before it's too late."
"What if I want to stay with you?"
"You can't. You'll see me again. One day; when it's time. But for now, just know that I'm always there. I may not be able to be your anchor anymore but I'll always be there."
With that Scott walks over to his body and lays down right as his mom hits him as hard as she can, one last time.
Scott breaths in a deep breath and opens his eyes.

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