Chapter Four

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          Liam's P.O.V.

     I woke up surrounded by the remains of the plane. All of the memories came flooding back to me, how we were tallking to the girls, how at the last minute I screamed out the first thing that came to my mind.  


     The look on her face was priceless. She had been about to say something back, but the plane crashed and I blacked out. 

     I looked around the rubbish pieces of the plane that was scattered everywhere. I looked beside me, and to me relief and surprise, all five boys were there. I woke all of them up and made sure they weren't hurt.

     They weren't, so we decided to make sure all passengers were safe. And by "we decided" I mean Louis shouting, "Lets go and see who else survived this thing!" and running off screaming "SUPERMAAAAANNNNN"

     It was quite hilarious, actually. We decided that searching for alive people was a good idea, we split up. It was Harry and Niall, Zayn and Louis, and me. Alone. As always. Anyways, all groups got different classes to check. I got first class since it was smaller and I was alone. Harry and Niall got second and Zayn and Louis got third. (A/N I actually don't know how many classes a plane has. I never really paid attention to stuff about planes. Lol)

     I checked all around first class. I walked up to where Krissy and her friends were. They all looked so... dead. They can't be dead! I quickly went to check Krissy's pulse. It was still  there. Her heart was beating steadily. Her beautiful heart.   Wait! I didn't just say that! Shut up brain! Don't say things like that! Urghh. I think i'm going crazy. I'm yelling at my brain. Who does that? God, I am getting so off topic here! I walked up to each of her friends were still alive. They were. So I went and woke up Krissy.


Ugh! Sorry I took so long to update. I had a major case of writers block. And still do. Sorry. I know this chapter sucks. 

 So, I need your guys' opinion. Im thinking of deleting this story and starting a new one. Or maybe just put this on hold. I don't know. I originally had a great idea for this story, but i'm not so sure anymore. So comment and tell me what you guys think I should do. thanks for reading so far guys!!! 


The Mangos That Changed Everything(1D) *ON HOLD* *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now