Chapter 15

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5 Weeks Later

"How is she?" Marcus asked, entering the room, holding roses.

"She's the same... no movement." Mr. Davenport said.

The Lab Rats all sadly smiled at Marcus.

Marcus sighed setting the roses next to her, then held her hand.

"How'd you do it?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Do what?" Marcus said, not looking at up.

"Bring my niece back to life."

Marcus sighed, and looked up at the Davenport family.

"The Incapasitator. He controlled me to fix up Violet as he was busy looking for energy sources," He looked at Violet. "When she was resurrected, she was scared, confused. The Incapasitator decided to stop controlling me for a while so Violet could feel safe with me. Which she was, but seeing her again..... was one of the greatest days of my life." A tear ran down his cheek as he stood up.

"You really love her, do you?" Bree said.

"More than my own life! I-I just wished it was me... not her."

"Marcus." Mr Davenport said, walking towards him.

Marcus immediately got scared, thinking he was going to get yelled at by Mr. Davenport for hurting his favorite niece.

"Marcus Davenport... welcome to the family." Mr. Davenport extended his hand out and immediately pulled him into a hug.

Marcus immediately started sobbing, hugging his Uncle close, as Mr. Davenport patted his back, comforting him.

"I also give you my blessing." He whispered in his ear.

"Wait, really?"

Mr. Davenport smiled and nodded. "All that's left is for you to ask her."

Marcus smiled and everyone gave him a group hug.

All of the sudden a cup was heard falling to the floor.

Everyone immediately broke away and looked at the one person they missed for a long time.

"I swear I didn't want to interrupt your moment but.... I'm thirsty!" Violet said, raising her arms up.
Violet's P.O.V.

"VIOLET!" Everyone shouted running towards me, standing around my bed.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm yourselves down, it's just me!" I said.

"Just you!? Violet Clarity Davenport, the last time we saw you was-" Bree started to say.

"Holding my Uncle's hand." I finished. "Dying."

"But all that matters now is you're alive." Leo said.

"Yeah, anyway..... can I have water now?" I asked.

Everyone laughed as Marcus gave me a cup with a straw, filled with fresh cold water and ice cubes to keep it chilled.

He sat next to me on the bed, smiling as I drank the cup.

"How do you feel, sweetheart?" Uncle Douglas asked.

"Well... thirsty... and relaxed."

"Well, you have been asleep for um.... 5 weeks." Adam said.

I spit out my drink. "5 weeks!? That long!?"

"Hey, don't worry Vi." Marcus held my hand. "What's good is, you're healthy and awake. That's what matters to us right now." He kissed my hand while holding it.

I smiled.

Marcus looked at Uncle Davenport and it looked like they were sending a signal to each other telepathically.

"Guys, we should give Violet and Marcus some..... alone time." Uncle Davenport said, pushing everyone out the door, then shutting it.

"What a bunch." I said, laughing softly."

Marcus looked at me with a serious expression.

"Marcus? What's wro-"

His lips immediately clashed onto mine as he kissed me, hard but passionate.

He then pulled away and put his forehead against mine.

"Marcus?" I asked, out of breath.

"It's been so long, Vi." He said, tears running down his face. "It's been long that we've been like this."

"Yeah, unless you want to include that I'm on a hospital bed feel tired as fuck."

He immediately started laughing.
"Way to kill the mood."

"I try." I said, smiling.

He took a deep breath. "Vi, even though we are in a hospital right now.... I want to get this off my chest."

"Okay.... what's that?"

"Violet, I love you. I loved you ever since I was watching you enter that high school. Sure I had a plan of using you to get revenge on your family but.... you changed me." He said, holding my hand tightly. "You helped me see good and helped me accept that everything I did against your family was wrong and I can't repay you for that."

"Marcus I-"

"AND remember back at the Incapasitator's lair? When we talked about our futures together? Well I can't think of starting that with anyone but you and ONLY you... so Violet Clarity Davenport," Marcus took out a black velvet box and opened it which had a simple but gorgeous ring inside. "Will you marry me?"

Tears ran down my face as I had a hand covering my mouth to contain my sobs, but I immediately started nodding.

"Of course I'll marry you Marcus!" I said.

He smiled so brightly as he put the ring on my finger, officially making me his in the future.

I immediately put my hands on both sides of his face and pulled him in for a kiss.


We pulled away to find the gang inside the room again.

"Way to kill the moment Bree." Leo said.

"You know you love me!" Bree said hugging him.

"No I don't." He said, rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

Everyone started laughing and teased each other as Marcus and I watched.

Finally we're all one big happy family.

A/N: Hello again!!!!!! It's been quite some time but.... MARCUS AND VIOLET ARE NOW ENGAGED!!!!!! Happy? Sad? Annoyed that I keep throwing death scenes at you!? Well that's me for yah! Also I'd like to thank those that have held on to this book and loved it!
No, this book is not over, hold in those tears!... If you have any left from reading any other books or watched a sad anime, like me! (*cough* Your Lie in April *cough*)

Keep those votes and comments up! They make SUPER happy when I see them in my notifications!
See ya in the next chapter, puddins!
{The picture represents Marcus proposing to Violet and that ring is the engagement ring too! ;)}

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