Absolutum Dominium: A Tom Riddle Story

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Okay, so this is a Tom Riddle/OC story, from the Harry Potter universe. This will be posted on fanfiction.net.

An Introduction.

The summary:  Total power: all Tom Riddle ever wanted. And he wanted it with just one ally by his side – Lyra Montague. She was similar to her classmate in so many ways. But, their one difference was that Lyra was ready to follow, and not to lead. Descending into the Dark Arts together, they prepare to sacrifice everything, including their looks, sanity and reputation. Lyra, in the end, will have to choose one: Tom Riddle, a poor half-blood, or her family, the wealthy and powerful socialites that are the Montagues. However, they face little problems along the way: school, and its setbacks (exams, relationships and a certain Deputy Headmaster). When school finishes, the world finally becomes their oyster.

Genres: Horror/drama/adventure/tragedy/romance.

Warnings: Swearing, death, torture, dark magic usage, implied/slight sexual situations.

The Characters:

Tom Riddle, Jr: You all know him of course. The future Lord Voldemort. Tall for his age, pale, dark-haired with dark eyes, a half-blood and an orphan (though technically not, until he kills his father).

Mother: Merope Riddle (nee Gaunt), descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

Father: Tom Riddle, Sr. A wealthy Muggle.

Other Family: Grandfather: Marvolo Gaunt. Uncle: Morfin Gaunt. Paternal Grandfather and Grandmother: Mr. and Mrs. Riddle.

My OC:

Lyra Montague: She will be the eventual love interest of Tom Riddle. She is also tall for her age, has dark, long and wavy hair, bright blue eyes and is a pure-blood.

Mother: Adrianna Montague (nee Macmillan).

Father: Riley Montague.

Brother: Perseus Montague.

Their Hogwarts years will be: 1938 - 1945. If you guys reading this want me to, I'll post my list of Professor's and other staff. But only if you request it. I could also post a list of fellow Slytherin's.

Other Info About My OC:

Full Name: Lyra Adrianna Montague. Birthday: 15th January 1927.

If you wondered, Lyra and her brother are both named after constellations. They were raised in Upper Flagley, Yorkshire, a Wizard/Muggle village.

Lyra's Family:

Just in case they crop up in my story, I'll provide their information here.

House of Black: Aunt and Uncle: Melania (nee Macmillan) and Arcturus III. Cousins, Oldest to Youngest: Lucretia and Orion.

Macmillan: Uncle and Aunt: Ernest and Belle (nee Greengrass). He is the middle Macmillan, with Adrianna being the oldest. Cousins, Oldest to Youngest: Ernie and Beatrice.

Montague: Uncle and Aunt: Rufus and Erica (nee MacDougal). Rufus is the youngest of the Montague brothers. Cousin: Graham.

The reason I added in uncles and sons is because of Macmillan's and Montague's attending Hogwarts during the Harry Potter era, and I wanted to keep it as canon as possible.

Detailed Version of Lyra's Appearance:

She has long soft, shiny jet black hair, with a slight wave to it, as was the forties fashion in England. She has bright blue eyes, which often gave away her emotions and could look like they were "sizzling" when she was angry. She has pale skin, though not as pale as Tom's. She has thin, red, defining lips and is of curvy physique. She has a calm, persuasive and charming voice, which could easily turn if angry or upset. Though incredibly attractive, she beomes less so as she becomes more immersed in the Dark Arts. You could say she was popular with the boys at Hogwarts.

The Montague's are an old and wealthy pure-blood family. They hate Muggles, blood-traitors, dirty-blooded Wizards and half-breeds. Most family members hold high positions in the Ministry, and are influential.

Thank you to JpLimeGreenAbbott for the book cover! If you guys wanna make any, I'd be happy to see 'em.

UPDATE: This can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7372938/1/Absolutum_Dominium

Well, I think that's everything. Want to know more? Let me know, and I'll post it! Like it, want me to continue, have any ideas, thoughts, suggestions of your own? Leave me a comment! Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2011 ⏰

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