One for Thousands

17 1 0

I  got the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I feel like I have to pretend;
Like it doesn't bother me;
Like it doesn't matter at all;
Like I don't have a care in the world.
I hate that the act becomes so great,
That it swallows me as an individual.
Claiming me.
Dragging me into the depths of despair and depression.
To the point where I cannot control it.
And all I want to do is drop the worries of thousands of people.
Stop the act that has consumed me.
I want to turn back but I cant,
Because I'm too far into the depths.
The depths that have taken control over me.
Dominating my thoughts. My actions. My words.
Fully engulfing me.
Fully turning me into something that I'm not.This act?
Yeah, this one.
Needs to be stopped,
But how can I?
When all I do, is make others happy.
I mean,
What's the sorrows of one for the happiness of hundreds?

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