Not Again!

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Me: *reading a book*

Mangle: rjfh4ufbfi omg gail!! *trips on invisible thing* ouch!

Me: what?! I'm reading!!

Mangle: we have a dare!! *holds up da paper*

Me: *stares up at it* OMG GIVE ME DAT! *takes it*

Mangle: geez.. anyways what it say?!

Me: *grins* I feel so bad for vincent.. but then yet again I dont.

mangle: *reads* HA! Anyways... VINCENT GET OVER HERE!!

Vincent: *playing video games with fritz* WHAT?!

Mangle: just get-

Gail: *interrupts mangle* GET UR SORRY BUTT OVER HERE!! lol sorry mangle

mangle: it k man.

vincent: Fine! *gets over there* WHAT IS IT?!

Me: a dare >:)

Mangle: MWUAHH

torto: *comes out from corner* WHHHATTTTSSSUUPPP?


torto: omg yus!! :D *walks over to gail*

Vincent: *blushing but bangs are in da way so he brushes them out of his face*

Gail: why u blushing, vince?

Vincent: u-uh, no reason!

Gail: alright then..

torto: *finshes reading* good luck vincent! *tips his hat and leaves*

vincent: *blushing hard* thanks

gail:u like someone don't u? *smriks* :>

Vincent: no I don't gail! *growls*

gail: sssuuuurreeee  *makes dat your-lieing-aren-you face*

Vincent: ... anyways let's get dis over with!!

Me: oh yea, but first the readers need to read da dare!!

Vincent: oh yea!

Meme600: I dare Vincent to wear springtrap for a day

me: evil isn't it?? Anyways we need springtrap for dis.. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, SPRINGTRAP IS THERE!!!

Vincent: what the?-

Springtrap: *magically appears* ur covered gail.

gail: not now springtrap!! *puts vince in springtrap*

Vincent: (inside springtrap) ew...

gail: anyways go on!! *motions to go away* I have a book to read.

vincent: whatever.. *walks away*

-3 hours later-

Gold: hey springtrap?

Vincent: I'm not- *remeber he is in springtrap* oh.. yea?

Goldie: I have to tell you something...

vincent: *gets curious* go on...

goldie: promise to not tell?

Vincent: *rolls eyes* I promise.

goldie: well.. I like torto but I don't know how to tell her.. can you help me?

Vincent: *shocked and heartbroken* u-um.. I dont know *walks away*

-day later-

Gail: hey vince- wait wot??

Vincent:y-yea? *sitting in a corner covered in tissues*

gail: aww what's wrong?

Vincent: nothin..

gail: tell me vincent.


gai: NOW!

vincent: fine! I liked torto ok??!

Gail: and what happened?!

Vincent: goldie likes her 2..

gail: oh.. well you can come out now.

vincent: nah not now.

gail:ok then.. *shuts door* hey torto did u hear that?!

Torto: *peeks around da corner* yep!

Gail: nailed it! *epic explodion*

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