Why did you leave

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In a Dark Destroyed Room Sat America Trying His best not to cry but failing miserbly.

"Why do they Always leave me?" America Whispered his voice Hoarse from Yelling.

Pools of Water Started seeping out of America's Eyes As He cried for the 100th time today.

Why am i such a screw up.
Why am i Always ignored.

Why Can't They understand that i only want friends.

As these Thought whirled through America's Mind the only question that popped up the most was

Why Don't i end it all?

America was a nobody now.

He was Hated by All.

He was Ugly.

He was annoying

He was Never going to be missed.

All He wanted was the Pain to go away but nobody helped.

Russia Made His Pain Worse

England Always Sided with russia.

Switzerland Never cared

Canada never cared

Nobody Ever Cared For Poor Old America

America knew that enough was enough if nobody loved him or was even going to miss him he knew he had to end it all.

He Got Up Wobbling a bit as Don't you worry Child was Playing in the background.

He slowly Made his way to the Bathroom bringing a picture of him and england before the revolutionary war took place wanting that memory to be the one that lulled him to sleep...Forever.

America Sets the picture down slowly Being Careful not to Ruin that picture too.

America Grabs A Knife and Slowly Cuts A Main Artery in his arm.

Although the Pain was Unbearable America Soon grabs the knife and cuts another main artery in his other arm.

To be safe America took an overdose of pills then slowly and painfully Grasped the picture.

Slowly Getting into the cold water America Finally knew He wasn't going to make it.

Smiling at that though America Sat down in the water holding the picture close to him but not too close to where blood would get on it.

But before America Could feel all the life drain out of his body a thought came to mind.

'Do i really want to die..this way?'

America knew it was too late to go back now.

And For the first time since the revolutionary war...America Finally Felt.......Free.

Smiling America Looks At the picture Before slowly His world Became nothing but white noise.

England Was over at America Because he was still trying to get america to pay him.

Walking into the house he sees the house was a complete Disaster.

Worried For America England searched everywhere Having hope that the Young american didn't hurt himself.

Of Course Life never works like that.

When England Got to the bathroom he see's The Said American In the tub holding a picture dripped with blood.

England was in denial.

"YOU TWAT WAKE UP YOUR BLEEDING!!!" England Said Sadness Lacing over his Anger.

"Is this About Hungary breaking Up with you or somthing Haha Really Funny But your not fooling me One bit America."

England starts to panic as his hope for america to be playing a prank starts withering away.

"YOU BLOODY WANKER WAKE UP YOU STILL OWE ME MONEY!"England Yells Shaking the lifeless BLoodied corpse Of America.

"A-America Stop it n-Now i-its n-not f-funny a-any m-more."England whispers trying his best not to cry.

"America....Why......Do you Continue to play this game of Pretend when you know it's not funny."England Wobbly Says as tears Trickle Down his Sickly Pale Face.

England Picks the picture Up to see a picture of England Siting down underneath a tree reading a story to a Young America.

The Sadness Can be brought in when he notices that the blood was only on america Telling Everyone who saw the picture America was dead.

Unable to hold the tears back any longer England Started to sob a long Painful sob As The Fossetts on his face seemed to be stuck on running.

Not wanting to Give into the Fact America Was Dead England Grabbed america and Brought him out of the Bathtub.

Eagerly Searching for a pulse England Started to do C.P.R on America Hoping that their was a chance he would be brought back.

but as i said before That's not how life works life Doesn't care if you have hope all it cares about is the pain it puts you through.

Finally Giving Up Knowing he cant be brought back England Hugs America's Lifeless Vessel and then slowly and mournfully he started singing the nationly Anthem Doing his best not to cry.

"Oh...Say..Can you See...."England Starts Letting a Sob or two in between.

"by...The...Dawn early light..."

"What...So...Proudly..we...Hail..."By now England's Voice was starting to crack

"At the twilights.....Last gleaming."

"Whose Broad Stripes and Bright stars,thro the Perilous Fight."England Couldn't stop the Tears From Raining onto America.

"O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?"
"And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:

Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" England couldn't Take any longer he started crying and he let it happnen.

"W-Why d-did y-you d-do it america...."

"You were like my Son America.....Why Did you Have to leave so soon." England Howled


Off in the distance a faint voice could be heard saying "Because Reality is Our Make belief while Make Believe is reality.I left because i wanted to escape my Reality.
I May play pretend in my body while my soul wanders free....Free from the pain of my Past and Present.

I Left to Be free.

Don't wallow Over me."

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