Chapter 1

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Natalie's P.O.V

I walked straight home after school as usual. When I got into the house, I heard yelling. Great my brothers friends are over again.

I went up to my room not even bothering to say hi.

I grabbed my beats headphones and put them on, pressing shuffle to my playlist. Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart by Ariana Grande came on and I instantly got sad when I remembered that she was coming here but I couldn't go because I don't have enough money saved up.

I got really hungry and decided to go downstairs and grab something to eat.

Anger rose inside of me when I saw who was down stairs.

Harry Styles.

The kid who bullied me all freshman and sophomore year.

"Well well well look who finally decided to join the party." Jake said.

Jake was my twin brother. He thinks he is so much better than me because he is 2 minutes older.

"Fuck off." I told him.

I looked in Harry's direction and he gave me a friendly smile which I responded to by glaring at him.

I grabbed a piece of pizza and went upstairs.

I decided to change into my pajamas even though it was only 4pm. I threw on a pair of spandex and a plain blue t-shirt.

I ate my pizza while listening to music and scrolling through tumblr.

"Can I come in."

I looked up and saw the face that no matter how beautiful it was, I hated.

"What do you want Harry?" I asked too tired to even try to fight him.

"I want to apologize for everything I've done."

All I could manage was a laugh.

"How is it funny?" He asked seriously walking over and sitting on my bed.

"Are you serious right now Harry? You made my life a living hell for two years straight not giving a shit about what happened because of it."

"Yes, but we graduated and that was at the beginning of high school. Can't we move on?"

"How do you expect me to move on from being brought down to the lowest point possible? Every day you would call me the nastiest things you could call someone. You made me so upset I didn't even want to live anymore."

I felt the tears coming now.

"And I'm so sorry for that Natalie. I honestly never in a million years meant for it to go as far as it did."

"But it did get that far Harry. Whether you meant it to or not. You ruined my life and you just want me to forget about it."

"NO. Fuck no Natalie. As much as I wish you could forget about what I did to you, I know you can't. All I'm asking for is your forgiveness. I fucked up. Badly. And if I could take it back I would. In a heartbeat. But I can't. And I'm sorry for all the pain I have ever caused you. I'll never forgive myself for it. I made a human being feel worthless and I am so disgusted with myself. All I want is for us to finally move on from this. Please Natalie?"

As much as I didn't want to forgive him for everything that he did, I could tell he was sincere about every word he said. I decided to finally put the past in the past where it belongs.

"Let's just put it in the past okay?"

He flashed the biggest grin I have ever seen and jumped on top of me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Alright I have to get back to Jake's room before he gets out of the shower so he doesn't think we're fucking. Even though I wouldn't exactly mind that." He winked.

"HARRY" I yelled throwing a pillow at him.

"I'll text you later babe."

I know I should mind him calling me babe and talking to me like that, but he has some weird effect of me. And I don't mind one bit.


We decided to have a movie night that night since I'm assuming Harry told Jake everything's okay between us.

We made it half way through the first movie when Jake paused the movie.

"We should throw a party since mom and dad are out of town." Jake said with a smirk visible.

"I'm down." Harry said.

"Fine. I'll go get ready." I told them.

I walked upstairs and started doing my makeup. I put on foundation, powder, winged eyeliner, and mascara. I curled my long dirty blonde hair.

For my outfit I didn't really care so I settled on a tight, short black dress, with black high top converse.

I heard a knock at my door and went to go open it.

"People will be here at 8." Harry said looking up.


"Oh and by the way you look really fucking good." He complimented walking into my room.

"Thank you Harry." I smiled at home.

We just sat talking for about an hour when people finally started showing up. We walked downstairs and I defiantly didn't expect this many people. There were around 80 teens grinding on each other and drinking. I made my way downstairs and Harry got us some drinks. He led us over to the living room and sat on the couch pulling me on his lap.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Some skank in a purple "dress" said.

"Want to?" Harry asked smirking down at me.


About 10 people got in a circle and everyone went around saying their names first.

"I'm Jessica." The skank said in a fake accent.





"Madison." A blonde girl said. She looked like the only non whore here.


"Erica." A blue haired chick said.

"Danny." A cute boy with long brown hair said.

"And I'm Zayn."

"Okay Erica truth or dare?" Madison asked.

"Truth." She replied.

"Who do you think the most attractive guy here is?"

"Danny." She said not even pausing.

"Natalie truth or dare?" Erica asked me.

"Dare." I decided to say.

"I dare you to make out with Harry."

I could feel the very few shots I had kicking in. I leaned and and Harry slowly followed.

Our lips met and I honestly felt sparks fly. And I don't just think it was the alcohol. His tongue slipped in my mouth and after a minute or so, he pulled away.

We played for a couple more rounds when Harry leaned into my ear.

"Let's go upstairs?" I could feel his hot breath against my neck and I knew there was no denying him.



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