Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

After tucking up Olivia safe and sound in bed, I retreated to the living room, where I collapsed on the chocolate brown leather sofa; my head resting against the soft plush cushions. This is when my days got quiet and almost quite lonely. Olivia was my little ray of sunshine throughout the day, but now when she was fast asleep I had no-one to talk to or snuggle up against. Of course, I enjoyed the peacefulness for about an hour, but it never usually lasted longer than that before the boredom kicked in.

It was around 10pm and my eyes were gradually beginning to close, I couldn't seem to stay awake much longer, no matter how much I tried to fight it. My thoughts somehow managing to drift back to Harry and last night in the club, it was strange how much of an effect he had on me, I mean I only knew him for a couple of hours. But there was just something about him, something that I couldn't pinpoint but knew it was special.

He was drunk and probably couldn't remember anything that happened, so I didn't really have high hopes, plus what the hell would happen once he found out I had a daughter. He wouldn't be interested and I wouldn't blame him, but if that was the case them I wasn't going to go chasing after him, Olivia deserved more than that and so did I.I guess the reality was Olivia came first regardless, whatever situation, I would always put her before anyone and anything.

Just as I was nodding off and finally getting comfortable on the sofa, the loud vibration of my phone a woke me. Cursing to myself as I now had to rummage around in the darkness trying to find my phone as quickly as possible so that it didn't wake Olivia.

"Hello" I whispered once I had found and answered my phone, I was so desperate to stop it from making a noise that I didn't take into account who in fact was calling me.


" is this?" I asked, thinking that it was some kind of wrong number, I didn't recognise the voice and why would somebody call me at this time.

"It's Harry, from last night" the voice spoke, at the mention of the name my heart was beating at a rapid speed, this was ridiculous, I didn't know him at all, I had to pull myself together.

"Oh hey" a huge smile found its way across my face, I was hoping that it wasn't obvious in my tone of voice.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm good thanks, yourself?"

"Yeah I'm okay" the line went quiet for a few moments, part of me wondered whether he had hung up, but I could still hear him breathing and realised that an incredibly awkward silence was now taking place. He rang me, he should have least prepared what to say. "Anyway" his voice broke the silence; I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved. "I was wondering if you fancied hanging out sometime." Yes, of course I would more than anything but I have Olivia; I had to make sacrifices, this being one of them.

"Umm, when were you thinking?"

"Tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm working tomorrow"

"Well, what about after you finish?" he questioned. After I finished work, that was then I went to pick Olivia up from nursery and then until her bedtime the rest of the day was dedicated to her. I didn't know what to do, how to tell him I was busy without revealing Olivia's identity. I wasn't ashamed of Olivia, not in the slightest, I would happily and proudly show her off to the rest of the world, but I was so used to I guess being looked at like a piece of scrum, or hearing people talk and laugh behind my back, people who didn't know the first thing about me were usually the people to jump to these conclusions. I didn't know Harry at all; I didn't want him to be one of those people.

"I have a few things to do" it wasn't a lie but it was the best excuse that I could conjure up on the spot like that.

"Oh okay" my heart sank, I felt like I had let him down, disappointed him in some way. He didn't have to ring me, I was unsure whether he rang out of politeness or whether he genuinely showed an interest. I felt as though I had to do something, I felt my brain swimming with ideas. Maybe, if I asked him to come over at around 8pm, then Olivia would be fast asleep, that way I would be able to go about my normal day with Olivia and then get to know Harry.

"Why don't you come over to mine?"

"Really?" he sounded genuinely surprised by my offer and I didn't know at all why.

"Yeah, if you could get here for 8pm, that would be great"

"Yeah okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then" he sounded somewhat happier than he did just minutes ago.

"Yep, okay, I'll see you tomorrow" and with that we said our goodbyes and hung up. I would have to tell him about Olivia tomorrow night, he would be able to tell there were pictures of her everywhere and she was the absolute image of me. I wasn't that desperate to go off hiding all the pictures that would be ridiculous. I would just have to be honest and tell the truth and see what happens.

However little did I know he already knew about Olivia.

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