No such luck...

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All at once the ground rumbles and Tony hears the explosion, right before a building, just a block away, comes crumbling down piece by piece.

"Steve! What's the situation?! What's happening?"

*radio silence*

In the distance Tony faintly hears the Hulks roar, but he can barely hear anything over the thunderous sounds of his frantic heart.

"Steve?! Im on my way! Just hang in there okay? Please just say something?"

*more radio silence*

The aliens that Tony had been fighting previously were blasted with a few new Stark crafted missiles as the genius put full power in his boosters and rocketed towards the last known location of his husband.

'He-he's fine, he probably just broke his mouthpiece, Steve is fine. Everything's going to be fine.' Tony reasons with himself all the way there but can't help the gut wrenching feeling that is slowly taking over him.

As he touches down, he looks into the rubble of what is now left of the National Library. Dead alien corpses scattered over and under the debris making it impossible to find find anything...

"Jarvis, scan through the rubble. Find Steve."

"Scanning now sir" the AI replied with an eerily calm voice, almost as if he were trying to smooth Tony's rapid heart rate.

"Scanning complete, he is 30 meters to your left under the marble column sir"

"Steve!" Tony lifted the chunks of marble and concrete of the seemingly unresponsive super soldier.

"Steve! Answer me goddamit!!"

Tony put his ear to the others heart listening for the one sound he needed to hear. The one thing he needed to keep going. The most important thing....

But...he hears nothing.

His blood turns to ice in his veins as he continuously tries to find a pulse...but to no avail.

"No. Nononono Steve wake up! It's not funny. You-you can't! I-I don't know wha-*hic*"

Without realizing it, Tony had started sobbing and found himself unable to find any words. His whole world seemed to have collapsed along with that building.

*hic-sniff! h-hic*

For what feels like an eternity he just cries over Steve's lifeless body, hoping that by some miracle of the very god he doesn't believe in, that this is all just some terrible nightmare. He hopes he'll wake up in a moment wrapped in Steve's loving embrace while he looks at him with such pure love and concern that it makes him melt inside each time they make eye contact.

But there's no such luck for Tony Stark.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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