Chapter 1- And the hunt is on

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This is a picture of Annabelle: age 6 ^^^^^^^^^^


 I woke up and rubbed my eyes as a cold breeze hit the side of my rosy cheeks. I had left the window open all night, when I stumbled out of bed to close it, my eyes widened with amazement. It had snowed. 

I ran to my parents bedroom and started jumping up and down on their bed trying to wake them up as i squeaked "it snowed, it snowed".

My father Jason the alpha of our pack slowly opened his eyes and said with a tired and lazy voice as he looked at the clock, " honey its five o'clock go back to sleep".

I slumped down and gave him my puppy eyes, practically begging for him to get up and play with me in the snow. He chuckled at the sight and jumped on me tickling me and giving me kissed as he said "roarrrr here comes the tickle monster". My mother the Luna, woke up and said " i guess ill go make some breakfast" she gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and said " well what are you waiting for go get your snow boots ready, after breakfast we're going outside to play." I shrieked and ran over to my room and quickly got dressed in my favorite winter coat, a lacy but warm white shirt, some stockings and my absolute favorite pair of pink snow boots that had two puffy pink pom poms on the sides. I ran down stairs and jumped up on the table grabbing my knife and fork and banged them on the table yelling 'i want food, i want food, i want food' over and over again until she brought me a plate full of steaming hot pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup. 

"Shh" my mother stressed and put her finger on her mouth and said "your going to wake up Adrian". Then in no time the screams and cries from my baby brother were heard and with a apologetic look on my face i said "whoops". 

We had played outside for a good twenty minutes before i started to feel cold, as i was still a child i didn't have a lot of the werewolf powers like my mother and father did. they had a resistance to the heat and the cold so they could last a long time out in the snow or the hot summer sun. When we decided to go inside my father put his nose in the air and yelled for us to go inside.

My mother heard a scream from the northern border and gave my father a worried look, he looked at her with a stern but horrified look. "It's the Blood Lust clan", my mother gasped and grabbed my hand as she pulled me away from my father. she had a horrified look on her face like something terrible was going to happen. When we got inside my mother hid me in one of the small compartments in the kitchen. "Mommy whats going on?" i asked with a sad look on my face, she turned to me and sprayed perfume on me and said "honey if anything happens to us you have to protect Adrian with your life, don't let anything happen to him or you promise me and remember don't come out no matter what okay? You have to be strong okay?" i tried to calm myself and keep myself from stuttering but failed miserably "o...o-o-okay". she handed me Adrian and gave me a small and gentle smile and gave a kiss to my head as she slowly closed the compartment door. 

Moments later i heard a terrified and blood curdling scream come from the front of the house. i shot up and ran to the window disregarding the warning my mother gave me. The alpha of the Blood Lust clan held the head of both of my parents in his hands raising them up high and proud like some trophies that you would parade around with. My eyes blurred from the tears that threatened to fall. I felt myself drift off. i remembered how we had been playing and dancing just a few moments ago and then i snapped back to reality when i felt the glare of one of the warriors in the group that were praising the alphas new kill. My eyes went dim and i quickly placed Adrian in the hiding spot that my mother had left me in and gave a quick kiss to his chubby cheeks and soothed him as he began to cry. i promised him i would come back for him, then i heard the rattle of the door knob and rushed out the back door doing my best to mask my scent and make as few steps as i could just like my father had taught me. 

I heard something that i heard everyday but this time it was different, it was Adrian and he was screaming in the hands of the alpha i looked away and ran for my life. i knew i couldn't do anything i was too scared i didn't want to die at the hands of that psycho. i couldn't do anything, i just sat in a cave that i had discovered and cried day in and day out when i finally gave up and waited for my death, when one day i realized that if it weren't for the alpha i would't be here crying my eyes out for my dead family and the horrifying nightmares of that day. so i decided in the name of my family and the new moon pack i would train my self everyday. Training to be a heartless assassin, training to one day kill that alpha that ruined my life and make him suffer as i did, make him really understand what it means to lose everything that has made you sane and make him suffer the way that my pack and family had suffered. One day i just sat in that cave an laughed hysterically, at how i was going to rip his gusts out and torture him till there was nothing left. On that same day i realized just how insane i had become.

Eleven years later******

"Alpha sir there's a girl here, she says she wants to join the pack" one of the warriors said while knocking on the door to the office of the alpha from the Blood Lust clan. 

"Come in" a coarse and disturbing voice answers. when i was welcomed in i took a seat facing a chair that was turned around and was being occupied by my enemy. well well it has been a long time i wonder if he will know who i am if he does then i'm screwed. if he does know then i can kiss my entire plan goodbye. when he turned around all i felt was the urge to kill and slaughter him when i looked at his disgusting face, but i suppressed the urge and just gave out a sweet and loving smile and tilted my head to the side. "Tell me why are you here?" he asked while putting his fingers together like a creepy version of mister burns from the Simpson's. 

"Well you see sir i heard how great and respected your pack was so i left my own and came here in the hopes of joining your ranks", I gave him such a weak answer but i don't think it matter since the only thing he was paying attention to were my breasts. my wolf Vera had been sitting quietly while i took over knowing that if i let her take over she would kill him in a matter of seconds. but i doubted that i needed her help to take down his sorry ass for a alpha down. in fact i bet i could take on him, his beta, and this third without lifting a finger. at that thought i smirked and then looked at him, held out my hand and said "my name is Snow Brooks its a pleasure to meet you" he glanced at my hand and shook it and said "its a pleasure I'm Alpha Patrick Calvin welcome to the Blood Lust clan". i can't believe he fell for it i mean really Snow Brooks what kind of name is that, i have waited years for this moment when i could finally infiltrate his ranks but i still have a lot to learn about his weaknesses and what i can do to make him truly suffer. while i walked out the room i felt a smirk appear on my lips and the dark aura i had kept to a minimum, emanate out from my body for an instant. i quickly suppressed it again and walked down the corridor to my new quarters.           



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