(6) - Liar. Liar.

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Sitting in a cold room with a hot chocolate and the stereotype, good cop bad cop. The one; John. I guessed was the good cop and the big dude sitting next to him... Big, could knock me out in a second. I sighed. I had a lawyer that was supplied by the government, I never thought about a lawyer - I guess I was too busy living on  high that it never crossed my mind. I had never got arrested before, I guess this was the lowest that I had ever sunk.

"Time is 12.34 PM on the 23rd of June 2011" The big guy quoted. I looked down and didn't look up. "Please state your name and your date of birth for the record please"

I sighed mentally - "Midnight Fox, 24 September 1991" I looked up, the guy in front of me was the big guy, must of worked out alot. His muscles were practically ripping away at his tight shirt and jacket - He was bald which meant that he either shaved it because it was 'him' or he suffered with hair lose because of the chemicals that his taking to keep him buff, either way I wanted to keep my head down and answer as little questions as I could. He then presented a picture of Thorne - This picture he look stressed and out of time -so to speak. As I looked closer I noticed that he was walking with a bunch of girls, Five. All blonde. All wearing barely nothing. I sighed, I only hoped that he wouldn't be a cheater.

"This is item 22 - Now can you tell me do you know anyone in this picture?" I only had to be honest. The calmness in Johns voice knew that I knew who it was.

"Yes the guy is called Thorne" I pointed at him.

"Yes - But what is his real name?" I looked up at John - He was older around 40 and he was staring at me in disbelief. I mean why didn't they believe me.

"What do you mean? His name is Thorne" I shrugged.

This is when the big guy interrupted. "You know who he is right? How long have you known him"

"Too long. He is called Thorne - Even when we were little. His name is Thorne. That's all I know - Honest" I had not had a clue what his name was. I was always told Thorne - The other guys call him Thorne; so that has to be his name. It has to be. Does it? I looked up again and noticed that John and nodded to the big guy that I was telling the truth.

"Right and were we picked you up from. That's your flat?" John was asking. I could tell by their voices. The new guy had a deep voice. Very deep in fact - It was almost like he was booming at everyone. It wasn't that fact that it was scary; it was the fact that it was annoying!

"Yes its under Thorne's and my names - Why?"

"I'll tell you why - because we can find his real name from that" I wish I knew this guys name, he was so weird. I bet it was something funny like bunny - to stop me from laughing I proceeded with a fake cough, but it didn't cover up the fact that I was still smiling.

John noticed me, as I looked up slightly; he coughed and decided to speak. "Moving on from that then" He presented some more pictures one of Storm and Charlie. "Item 23 is being presented, Do you recognise these people?"

I just couldn't lie to the police, I mean I was once friends with a police man called tony. He was my family's friend after all that my family had been through, he was always there for us. I just couldn't lie - It would be like lying to tony's face. "Yes"

"Do you know their names?"

"Charlie and Storm"

"What is Storms real name?" I shook my head - Honestly I had no idea; I was a little pissed that my boyfriend was lying to me.

 "Sorry. - I don't know" I sighed - I was feeling sorry for myself.  

"Right - moving on, you have been with them several years? And the money that is transferred into your bank? Do you know where that is from?" The big guy seemed to calm down and notice that on some parts I was clueless. I had to lie. I had too. I couldn't spend my time in prison. I had to lie.

I lied. "Yes - It's from the money that we make from our band"

"You're in a band?"

"Yes - Its called the walking dead. Unregistered, but Thorne gets us gigs that pay us for playing"

"Oh right and you are the...?"

"Electric Guitar" I was proud of myself.

"Right and how much was transferred into your bank recently"

"Erm - about a grand. I think" Playing dumb was the best way to go. I was not getting in trouble.

"Right. And you don't do drugs?"

It was a harsh question - I could lie but they were both looking at me at with questioning eyes. I lowered my head. "No. But I have tried them once. I was drunk." I lied again.

"SO you have never had them more than once then?"


"Right. That seems to be everything" They both looked at each other and nodded. "Interview terminated at 1.12PM" They nodded again and stood up. The tape was taken and the big guy left. I was left with John standing over me.

"Right - We are going to take you to a cell and your be out in the afternoon"

"Thankyou" I responded. He grabbed my arm and lifted me to my feet. I left my hot chocolate standing on the table as he dragged me through a row of corridors some with cells some with normal door frame. Then I came to a cell with Thorne in too.

"You two can stay together" He announced as the policeman unlocked the door. I was practically thrown in and the door was locked behind me. I stood still as I heard footsteps walk away.

I sat down on the metal bench next to Thorne. He looked tired and angry, I was going to speak when. "You didn't say a thing; yes?"

"Yes. I said that we got the money from the gigs. Well That's I thought" I was looking down at my feet. I was given brown sandals before I was interviewed. They matched my dress. Surprisingly.

"Hmmm that dress looks to pure on you" He stated.

"I know. I wish I had been wearing my normal clothes" I sighed then asked him a question "How was it for you?"

"Not bad, they brought what I said, Yours?" He was not looking at me. He was looking at his hands.

"Not too bad. I didn't know your name wasn't Thorne. and that you hung at with sluts" I was a little harsh but I had had enough.

There was anger in the voice that spoke to me "My name is Thorne, that's it, there is no other name. and for the girls they are my friends"

"What? But your name isn't Thorne - You lied" I was getting more and more upset.

"No. My name is Thorne"

"LIAR!" I screamed and before I had time to react a hand swiped across my face - I think I went flying for a spilt second because I had hit the metal door. I brought my knees up to my face and was silently crying. I heard footsteps and the door was opened, both Thorne and I was pulled out. From then onwards it was blurry.


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