Chapter 11; Two Great Mights

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The next day the fields around were packed with men, more than had been expected, several thousands had come. From knights and noblemen to the lowliest of peasants, all united under one goal, to free this earth of the Crown. For it was now as though the earth had been clad in irons, none were unaffected by the evil.

Black Robe had found me a horse, he rode a black one and I rode a brown. Three knights of the abbot’s guard, and the abbot himself joined us.

The main army marched ahead of us; it was an amazing sight, like that of legends. No words could sum up how wonderful it felt to be part of this, the greatest battle since the Victory of Seach almost three hundred years ago.

As we approached the fortress you could almost smell the fear from our ranks, but an almighty strength seemed to hold them there, bound to their duty, as we were to ours.

Black robe, the abbot, the three knights and me dismounted and we headed over to the fortress wall. Black Robe took out a rope with a hook on the end and threw it up, for a moment it dropped but then the hook caught on the battlements and we began to climb.

By this time the battle had started and we could hear war drums from deep within the fort.

I felt a cold fear spread through me like poison, but continued on. We soon reached the top of the wall to find it clear of men who were obviously out fighting.

Black Robe quickly found a way down into the courtyard. We were like shaddowless entities of an unknown power, passing unnoticed through the depths of the fort.

We managed to make it all the way to the west entrance into the first keep of the outer wall. It was here we first met with the enemy. A guard spotted us but Black Robe, with such speed it still amazes me to this day, silenced him.

Outside the fort the onslaught went on, and though we were loosing not one man turned from his fate. I still feel proud to have been with such brave and honest men; no army ever again could harness such power and strength to fight on so valiantly. They were the greatest of all soldiers, to fight so hard; I hoped it would not be in vain.

 We continued into the first keep, there was practically no one inside so it was easy for us to sneak past, the whole fort had emptied to fight our army, this was something I could not have hoped for in my wildest dreams.

Soon we were deep inside the heart of that place, yet still we met little resistance, it was as empty as the grave.

Black Robe pointed out a large door ahead, it was large and set into the wall so that arrow slits could be placed around the frame.

“How are we to pass?” I asked.

“Watch and learn,” said Black Robe smiling.

He pulled out the rope and hook and just like before threw them over the battlements.

“Quick, up,” he said.

The three knights stayed there to guard us from anyone who came to investigate.

Once up we found several guards, they were easy to kill though; the Crown had gone for numbers instead of skill.

We jumped down the other side of the wall.

“There it is,” said Black Robe in astonishment, “We’ve made it.”

In front of us was a huge fortified palace, but how were we to get inside?

“Follow me,” said Black Robe.

He crouched down and hurried along on the other side of a low wall. He followed it all the way round to the back where he pointed at the windows.

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