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On a cold September night, An ominous hooded figure stood at the side a building, hiding within the shadows, awaiting for its next victim for the night. It spotted a suitable target and got into position, not focusing on anything else but the man that was going to walk in front of him.

As soon as the man walked in front of it, the figure pounced on its prey and dragged him into the shadows but the man was putting up a struggle from his attacker.

"That's not gonna work, I'm afraid." The deep sinister voice of the attacker whispered into his ear, he then saw a slight glint near his neck. A blade.

The man was however became strangely calm at his current situation, the said man suddenly hit his attacker with his elbow then twisted his way out of his attacker's grip, he then pulled out what seemed to be a hunting knife.

"You messed with the wrong person, don't you even think about attacking me again." The man warned his attacker.

"Let me guess, you're a war veteran aren't you..?" His attacker guessed, his attacker slowly came out of the shadows. The war veteran glared at him.

"Looks like I guessed it right... Only a person with experience can get out of that easily." The other man explained with a shrug. The veteran felt like he has seen the man before though half of his face was covered with a cap, before he could actually think about it, the other male suddenly lounged at him only to barely dodge his attack.

The veteran quickly got into a stance as his attacker charged in for another attack, the vet dodged an attack then used his weight to maneuver his way around his attacker to attack him from behind, unfortunately, the attacker noticed this and quickly spun around and threw his blade towards the veteran.

'Shit!' He inwardly cursed. Though it looks like luck seemed to be on his side, after the knife zoomed past his neck. A near miss.

The said knife hit the wall with a loud "CLANK", sticking between the spaces in the bricks.

"Hey, your the first person that made me throw my knife at! You should be proud of yourself." The man grinned before pulling out two smaller knives from his pockets.

The veteran glared at his opponent before moving out of the way from the crazed man's attack, the man tried to swing his knives at either the veteran's head or stomach only for him to narrowly dodge each one.

He needed to get out of this and fast! He awaited for his enemy's next move.

The attacker dashed at him again, the vet quickly analyzed his opponent's movements; the man seemed to be going his chest. When the attacker got close enough; the veteran got down then kicked the man's feet causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground, the vet took advantage and pinned his attacker to the ground.

He placed the blade dangerously close to the killer's neck, "You move and I'll end you." He threatened.

He then heard a click from behind him. He froze.

The veteran slowly turned around and saw a pistol being pointed at him, he looked up to the person holding the gun, a cop.

"Freeze!" The cop commanded whilst glaring at the veteran. The veteran slowly stood up then put his hands to his head but still has the attacker pinned to the ground with his foot stepping on his chest.

The cop looked at the person that the veteran was stepping on, his eyes grew wide for a moment then a devilish smirk replaced his shocked expression.

"Look what we have here! I got an infamous serial killer on my hands!" The cop exclaimed, he shoved the veteran out of the way then kicked the serial killer on stomach, causing him to cough a little bit of blood.

The cop grabbed the man by his hood and pulled him up to his face,"Get up, you bastard!" He then threw him back to the ground.

The man began to painfully stand up, his cap got blown away by a strong gust of wind, the killer looked at the two people in front of him.

He had dull brown hair, pale skin, and a goatee. But what gave him the dangerous aura was his eyes, his bright green right eye gives a sense of comfort and trust while his dark grey left eye completely destroyed that image and replaced it with insanity. 

At that moment, the veteran recognized who his attacker was.

"You, you're that wanted murderer on the news. The Shadow Killer..."

The killer only chuckled darkly at that.

"Yup, The heterochromic psychopath and the killer of seven men and ten women, David Arch!" The killer took a mocking bow then grinned at the two men.

"The two of you, put both of your hands on your head where I can see them!" The cop pointed his gun at them threateningly.

"Hey, I was just defending myself!" The veteran protested, putting his hands up slightly in the air.

The cop glared at the veteran before scowling,"Like I give a fucking shit! You were trying to steal my prize before I even got to it..."

'Prize? You mean him?' The veteran looked towards the serial killer only to catch him dashing towards the cop while he was being distracted.

The killer tackled the cop to the ground, getting ready to stab. The veteran was about to stop him when they suddenly heard a loud gunshot.

"Pretty fun looking party you got here! Can I join?" A voice was heard from the shadows of the building. A man wearing a fedora and a long shady trenchcoat walked out with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Wow, and I thought I was the only lunatic here..." The killer got off the cop and slowly approached the new guest.

"You ARE the only lunatic here, mister Arch..." The guest said with a calm voice yet still maintaining the shit eating grin, he then took out a black shotgun.

The veteran studied the man carefully and noticed the shiny red ring he was wearing, that was when the killer started to nervously back away.

"Impossible! A mafian?!" The killer silently cursed himself, he raised his guard up and expected for the unexpectable.

"That ring... The Carmanian group, I'm assuming?" The cop smirked, the mafian's grin grew wider.

"Bingo! You want a cookie?" He jested, which was only returned with a scowl.

The veteran could have left by now but looking at his current situation, he can't get out without him lying dead on the ground in the end. So he stayed, keeping his guard up in case one of them pulls something nasty.

The mafian turned to the veteran,"Hmm.... So you're a veteran, huh?" The man only glared daggers at him as a response.

The mafian then pointed his shotgun at the serial killer...


A bullet wheezed past, almost hitting the mafian. Everyone looked at the only other person with a gun.

"Next time, it'll be your head. Carmanian!" The cop threatened as he clicked his pistol.

The tension rose more and more as the seconds pass, not like there wasn't any tension before all this started...

The mafian remained pointing his shotgun on the killer while the cop was close to pulling the trigger, the killer raised his knives about to dodge when the mafian shoots, eying the veteran as if ready to pounce when needed.

The veteran stood his guard and got ready for the worst case scenario, he gripped his weapon tightly.

This was the beginning of a personal war between grudges that will go on even after death....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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