Chapter 1 : Cool Blue Eyes

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Some words aren't real words, they are more of the broken English type as Dawn is still 6 and still learning to speak proper English.

Dawn's POV
"Kids! It's time for lunch! Keep your toys and wash your hands before coming to the dining hall. The faster you are the more cakes you'll get." Ms Lee announced.

Hearing that, me and my bestest friend, Tommy, scrambled around, putting the toys at where they belonged and then ran to the washing area. After a few seconds, we were already seated, thanks to our awesome and incredible werewolf abilities. The other kids in the orphanage had a field trip today so there was only me and Tommy in the dining hall as we were too young to go on a field trip.

After we had our trays, we started having an intense food contest!!! The loser has to obey the winner's orders for a day, and no way in rainbows am I gonna lose!!!!

"Slow down kiddos. Don't wanna choke do ya???" Ms Lee laughed as she ruffled our hairs before she left the dining hall to attend to some other business.

  I swear on the unicorns that Ms Lee is the bestest, most awesome and amazing Dean in the whole wide world. She understands and loves everyone one like we were her own's. I think it's because she was an orphan too...... I don't know I forgetting something?????? Hmmm...... Oh me mama!!!!! My food !!!!

I looked at Tommy's plate and realized he was nearly finished. Hah, he still ain't gonna beat me!!!! I started to scarf down food without even chewing.

Dawn!!!! Stop it, you're gonna choke!!!!

No I'm not gonna Cryssy!!!! Im going to win Tommy !!!!

That was me wolffy. She's been with me ever since I was born. She practically taught me how to survive since my dad didn't give two shit about me. ( Dawn doesn't curse so when she does, it means that something big happened......)

Yes you will Dawn! And didn't I tell you to stop calling me 'Cryssy'!!

Oopps..... Must have slipped me mind..... Sorry Cryssy!

Dawn!!!!! Urgh.... Never mind..... Just stop swallowing your food and chew!!!!

But Crs---------
Before I was able to complete my sentence, my air supply was chopped!!! I couldn't breathe!!!!! I held onto my neck and tried to breath but I couldn't!!! What am I suppose to do????? I glanced at Tom and saw that he was running away, probably to get Ms Lee for me. Oww...... What a bestest friend I have...... Wait a am dying over here!!!!!! Why am I caring about how great Tom is now????!!!

Tears started to form around my eyes as the time kept ticking. It seemed to take forever for Ms Lee to arrive. Until suddenly, someone grabbed me up and put his gigantic arms around my waist and squeezed. Due to the sudden impact, I let out cough and the food stuck in my throat came out. Thank the the unicorns and rainbows and most importantly, the mystery guy! However, reality soon caught up and as I recalled the ultra scary crisis, I started to tear up and was soon in a crying mess.

I then felt a pair of warm arms wrapping around me and cuddling me to a chest.

"Shshh...... It's over now...... Don't worry........ I'll protect you no matter what......" A deep but sweet voice comforted me.

Whoever it was, his voice seemed to make a huge impact on me and I realized that I really wasn't afraid anymore, instead I felt sweet tingles all over me!!!! Curious, I looked up, only to be met with a pair of cool blue eyes. For some reason, I felt embarrassed and snuggled me face into his neck instead.

Oh my gosh!!! Dawn!!!! He's our mate!!!!

  The chest that I was leaning against started reverberating. Curious again, I glanced up and saw Mr Mate chuckling as his eyes sparkled with adoration. Knowing that it was me he was laughing at, I hid my face in his neck yet again.

"Hey princess, there's no need to feel shy." Mr Mate chuckled as he balanced me with one hand and used the other to tilt my head towards him.

" Dawn!!!!! Are you okay?????" Ms Lee rushed towards me and grabbed me from Mr Mate before eyeing me up and down.

Suddenly Mr Mate let out a rather loud and fierce growl which made me shudder and hid behind Ms Lee. So did Tom, who just caught up with Ms Lee.

" Oh Alpha Michael! I'm so sorry I didn't notice your presence as I was thinking about Dawn!"

" Its okay Mary. It was my wolf who went out of control. And I've told you to call me Michael." Mr Scary Mate apologized before he looked towards shivering me.

  I think it was sadness that tinted that blue eyes of his. Immediately, I felt guilty because something told me that he was sad for scaring me. Me being me didn't like making others sad, so I did the first thing that came across me mind. I went towards him and hugged him. But me being short caused my head to only rest on this stomach. For a second, I felt his body stiffen against my touch but he soon snapped out of it and bent down to pick me up.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I mumbled," I'm sorry for making you sad........ "

In turn, Mr Mate simply smiled and said, " I'm not sad because of you sweetheart. I'm sad because I frightened you. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry princess. But don't worry, I'm happy now since I know you care so much about me.

Saying that, he gave me a tight squeeze in which I returned. We stayed like that for a few moments until Ms Lee let out an awkward cough.

"Umm.......Alpha Michael, can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure, why not?" Mr Mate replied as he gently put me down and I instantly felt cold.

"Dawn, Tom, why don't the two of you head to the playroom while me and Alpha Michael talk?" Ms Lee suggested.

Instinctively, I looked up at Mr Mate, as if seeking permission. He smiled that perfect and gentle smile of his and nodded. Almost immediately, Tom came towards me , grabbed my hands and pulled me off to the playroom.

So this is the end of the first chapter....... What do you guys think about it?????

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