Family History (Part 2)

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Both of them look around the room trying to find the voice's source. Drew notices a stone being pushed to the side on the floor, as if some invisible force had knocked it.

"KIER HE'S JUST-" He starts to warn before he feels a swipe of claws sending him to the other end of the room.

"Drew!" Kier gasps, trying to run to his aid when he gets attacked by the same invisible force.

Drew manages to sit up and push aside the thought of the pain from the scars to use a revealing spell to remove the creatures invisibility.

The sight of the vampire brings the feeling of the dark power it holds but – to their relief – they find that it isn't the Dark Lord but another vampire.

Kier smirks as he draws his sword to sink into the creatures flesh, neglecting to use its power since he decided to save it for facing the Dark Lord, knowing fully well that using the sword's true power could rob him of his sanity or life.

The vampire deflects all of his attacks, as well as evading Drew's offensive spells, to grab the sorcerer from behind, holding him hostage to put a temporary hold on Kier's attacks.

"You're both very skilled, I'll give you that." The vampire smirks when Kier watches with a hopeless look as Drew keeps struggling feebly against the vampire's grip. "It'll be a waste to see you go but I'm not too enthusiastic to let you ruin everything yet."

"KIER JUST SHOOT IT!" Drew tries.

Kier nods, trusting Drew's decisions, pulling out a knife and throwing it towards the vampire. The vampire uses a force of winds to deflect the knife and continue onwards to try to slice Kier into sections.

Drew realises this and quickly sends a counter spell to destroy the deadly gales.

The vampire smirks again before Drew bravely reaches into the vampire's mouth and snaps one of its fangs with another spell.

Kier uses this to dive in and shoot it with a crossbow he's found lying around. The vampire, despite reeling at the pain from losing one of its fangs, turns Drew to receive the arrows.

The sound of Drew screaming at the pain weakens Kier's resolve and he watches in shock. The vampire chuckles darkly as he starts to build up his magic to disintegrate Kier but Drew uses his wind power to move Kier out of the way of the deadly blast.

"It seems I can't deal with the both of you at once, you keep protecting each other and it keeps sending us in circles. Let's get one of you to take some time out, don't you think?" It taunts.

As the vampire says this it forces Drew's hands behind his back and uses a strong binding spell, knowing it would take a regular sorcerer an hour to undo with the right spell.

"N-no! G-get off me!" Drew growls.

The vampire chuckles and strokes his hair before tossing him aside. "I'll deal with you when I've finished with the warrior." He smirks confidently before pouncing at Kier.

Kier gives up trying to save the sword's true power and lets it glow blue as his attacks quicken and take up more strength. The vampire struggles slightly with his added power but grows more confident in his battle technique. It sneakily sends balls of fire towards Kier, leaving burns wherever they land, although Kier doesn't let the pain stop him and acts as if he's been possessed by continuing to attack the unknown and powerful vampire.

On the side, Drew tries everything he can to destroy the binding spell to go back to protecting Kier, knowing that two against one in their favour gives the both of them more of a chance to leave this alive.

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