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I had to obey; the guy was pointing a gun at me. I gulped hard when the man opened the door to the backseat. I slowly walked to it and got pushed inside. He shut the door hard and sat down in the passenger seat. Another man was driving the car, also foreign looking with dark hair.

As the man sat down he turned around and pointed the gun at me to make sure I didn’t try anything.
“Drive” He ordered the guy behind the wheel.
I sat in the middle seat uncomfortable but didn’t dare to move an inch. Who were these guys? What did they want?

I wanted to be back at the party, drinking with Louis, dancing with Liam… kissing Zayn… Anything.
The man with the gun kept his gaze locked on me, his lips in a grin. I closed my eyes hard to shut out reality for a while. I had to calm down, I was breathing too fast.

After 20 minutes in that backseat I started to panic, closing my eyes didn’t help at all.
I began to hyperventilate and I clenched my fists to still try to keep self-control.
“Please what do you…-“ “-Shut up!” The man cut me off with a yell. I clenched my eyes harder, praying for a miracle. Where was Zayn? He would never let this happen to me.

The car stopped and I opened one eye to get a glimpse of the place. It was still dark which made it harder to comprehend but a sign that said John and son’s bicycle workshop made things more clear.
The men got out and one of the doors to the backseat was roughly opened.
I was pulled out by a tight grip on my arm.

“HELP!” I screamed in despair but was shoved up against the car, facing the barrel of a gun and an angry face.
“Do that again and I’ll shoot your head off before you finish” He snapped and loaded the gun.
I closed my eyes again, It made me feel a little safer.

I was pulled inside of the workshop and behind the checkout through a door that said private on it.
The room in the back was the actual workshop, where you repair the bikes. It was cold and dirty, the walls made of old and grey bricks, the floor made of stone.

The man grabbed a chair from the corner and put it in the middle of the room. He shoved me down and pressed my back against the backrest with the gun on my chest. I looked up and met his evil dark eyes. He never said, but his eyes told me to be still or else. I didn’t want to disobey because, simple,  I didn’t want to die.

The other man fingered with something by a desk at the far end of the room. He turned to face us and held a roll of duct tape in his hand.
“Please let me go I… I can give you money, please” I tried to reason with them but only received a punch at the side of my face by the gun. My head ached and I started feeling dizzy.

My arms were forced behind my back and I grunted when I felt the sticky substance on my wrists.
I closed my eyes… rather darkness…
And eventually, the darkness swallowed me and I fell into sleep.


I woke up in the chair; the men had tied my ankles together like my thighs. They had taped around my abdomen to keep my body to the chair and I also had a strip of duct tape over my lips.
What in the world is going on? Who were these guys? What did they want? I wanted answers.

One of the men sat by the desk with his feet on the table and a sharp dagger-looking knife. He was fingering with it, feeling its sharpness by stroking his finger on it. He had his body turned away from me, which meant that he didn’t know I had woken up.

I pulled in my wrists but the tape was thick and secured. I grunted by mistake, which made the man turn around.
“Oh seems like blondie has woken up” He clarified and grinned. He stood up and walked out of the room.

He reappeared with the other man, the man that had threatened me with the gun earlier and they walked up to me. I was terrified for my life, was it time for me to die?

“Hello Niall, nice of finally meet you in person” The man with the gun said and crutched down in front of me. I furred my eyebrows and moved in the chair.
“I am Kirk, you must have heard of me before” Kirk said and reached for the tape on my lips.
Kirk… the guy Zayn was talking to on the phone a few days ago… well of course Zayn had something to do with this.

Kirk ripped off the tape in a sweep and I bite down on my tongue to keep myself from screaming in pain.
“This is Jeff, I think you two will get along well” Kirk mocked and pinched my cheek hard. I jerked my head away in dislike.

“I think you already know who is the reason for this, but I bet that is all” He said and rose. I followed him with my eyes as he walked around the chair and disappeared behind me.
“Zayn has been a naughty boy” He said and reappeared on the other side of me.

“Then why not take him?” I spat, not really meaning to sound that harsh.
Kirk chuckled and grabbed a hold of my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
“Then how am I supposed to get my money? I want him at his most vulnerable state, which only brings us back to you” He spoke metaphorically.

“Now Zayn already know we have you and don’t worry, when we get the money you are free to go” Kirk smirked and released me. He ripped off another strip from the roll and placed it over my lips.
I was kidnapped for ransom… this was just great.


I woke up again, not realizing I had fallen asleep. Kirk motioned towards me and picked out a knife from his pocket. I whimpered behind the tape when he cut the tape around my abdomen.
He shoved me down on the cold hard ground and I could hear him chuckle.

“Much better” He giggled and kicked the chair away with a loud noise.
He leaned down and whispered into my ear,
“When the money is in my hands, I will kill him… oh but don’t tell him that” Kirk chuckled. My eyes widened, they were going to kill Zayn? I couldn’t hint him even if I wanted to.

The next second, the door was opened. Zayn walked in with the blackest eyes I have ever witnessed.
He was carrying a backpack in one hand.
“Nice of you to join us Zayn, me and Niall have just got to know each other” Kirk mocked and shoved me around on my back with his foot.

“Here’s your stupid money… now give him to me” Zayn’s words were short and straight.
“Give me the money” Kirk ordered. I protested into the tape to somehow tell Zayn to not do so.
Kirk smirked down on me and looked back up on a pissed off Zayn.

Zayn put the backpack down on the floor and kicked it. It slid across the floor and halted by Kirk’s feet. He picked them up and opened the backpack. He checked the amount and smirked again.

“Lovely Zayn… why didn’t you just do what you were told from the beginning?” He said and put the backpack on the ground again.
I looked at Zayn, trying to hint him the best I could, but he didn’t seem to get my message.

“Oh, that’s right you want him…” Kirk said as if he had forgotten me on the floor. He backed away and Zayn ran up to me. He barely managed to crutch down next to me when he was punched in the neck, falling down beside me. I screamed and fought with the tape around my body. I needed to help him.
“Worthless piece of crap… trusting you to do the work…” Kirk spat and kicked Zayn in the ribs.

“Didn’t I tell you to kill the blonde? Huh?!” He yelled and kicked him again.
What? Kill the blonde? Me?
“Stmpph hmpph hmmp! (Stop hurting him)” I cried into the tape and kicked with my restricted legs. Kirk paid no attention to me.

“You can’t do a single thing I tell you. How hard is it to kill a scrawny and vulnerable kid like him?” Kirk said and pointed down on me.
What is he talking about?
Kirk kicked Zayn again but this time, Zayn was ready. He grabbed Kirk’s foot and twisted it, making the elder fall to the ground.

Zayn jumped down on him and started hitting him in the face. I grunted and growled into the fucking tape while I struggled. I was so confused and torn apart… what was going on?!

Zayn rose and I knew he had knocked Kirk out. He picked up the backpack from the ground and put it on. Then he walked over to me and lifted me up.
“Zmpph” I whispered; my throat dry and aching. He shushed me and walked out the workshop.

Jeff was out of sight but I didn’t really give a damn. I was so lost… Lost in everything.
Was Zayn supposed to kill me?
But why? Why did they want to kill me?

Zayn carried me to his car and put me in the passenger seat. I was still completely tied up but he didn’t seem to care to untie me. He put the backpack in the backseat and sat down in the driver seat.
He started the engine and drove away.

After a while of silence, I wanted the damn tape off of my lips
“Mpph” I mumbled, catching his attention. He reached out and ripped off the tape.
“What was that Zayn?” I asked.
He remained silent, his eyes on the road.

“Zayn…” I tried again, anger boiling up inside of me.
“Why did he say that you were supposed to kill me?” I asked.
He sighed and bite down on his lip.

“Because I was supposed to kill you Niall, that night that you left your window open” 


Please everyone with spotify... follow my playlist (I put it in the comments so you get the link!) Please I so want to meet my idols...
I hope you liked the chapter... intense huh? 

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