Listen To Your Heart

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A/N: Hello there my lovelies! I'm so sorry, but I decided that i'm gonna start writing shorter chapters. Writing longer chapters takes a lot of time, and I still have summer homework that I keep putting off because I prefer writing. And I should be studying for the ACT retake *cringe*, but again, I keep procrastinating with writing. School is also starting soon, so I'll be writing shorter chapters because of that too. I'm shooting for 1500 words instead of 2500 words. So just, I'm sorry, you'll be getting significantly shorter chapters. :( ANYWAY, I've had Listen to Your Heart by DHT stuck in my head for the last 83 years, so that's where the inspiration for a part of this chapter came from.

Chapter 8

"Kirstie, please let me out! I'll do anything!" Mitch pleaded.

I rolled my eyes at his over-dramaticness. Kirstie just smiled before giving us a small wave; and then she was gone.

He scoffed, "She's unbelievable," he muttered.

"I feel like she'll much worse if we don't at least pretend to be civil," I pointed out.

"Civil? Is that word even in your vocabulary?" Mitch retorted before pacing over to the other side of the studio.

I sighed in annoyance, "Ok Mitch, I get it, I was being immature last night, and I apologize. Biting my head off continuously isn't gonna change what happened," I pointed out.

He scoffed again and shook his head before crossing his arms.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You don't make any sense," I informed him.

He stopped pacing and narrowed is eyes back at me, "Oh?" He challenged.

"You went through the trouble of leaving your camera behind, just so I would talk to you. Then you spend the next week flirting with me, kissing me, letting me get close to you, and then you suddenly just throw me away like nothing ever happened. And then the day after you shut me down, you introduce me to your brand new Calvin Klein model boyfriend. And then you have the audacity to get mad at me for thinking that we actually had a chance," I rambled angrily.

He seemed taken aback. I exhaled slowly as I took a step back. I stepped back until my back was against the door. I slowly slid down until I was sitting on the floor.

He sighed before leaning against the desk, staring at the floor. We sat in silence for a while. It annoyed me that he didn't say anything. It's like he wasn't even trying.

"Even with the Eric issue, I like you enough to at least try," I noted softly, "I just thought you'd feel the same way," I commented with a shrug.

He glanced up from the floor, and looked at me. He took another deep breath before leaning his head back, "I just don't know," he murmured.

"Do you not think I'm worth it?" I questioned.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Don't you at least want to try?" I exclaimed, getting more annoyed.

"I don't know!" He practically shouted.

"What do you know?" I shouted back.

We fell silent again. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his bangs.

"I know that I like you, a lot. But I also know that I don't want to be involved with anything pertaining Eric either," he informed me quietly.

"Which one is more important?" I asked calmly.

I stared at him for a few moments, hoping he wouldn't say those three words that were starting to make my skin crawl.

"I don't know," he whispered.

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