The Cabin, Dream number 1

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It started off at my house, mom was anxious to go on this little vacation she was planning. Off to some place in the woods that her friend owned. Upon arrival there wasn't much to the place, it was run down but at least the water worked I suppose. Her friend and her family would soon be there also.

After settling in her friend arrived, they seemed like simple people I never actually met them before this point in time honestly. They set some rules though, oddly enough there was a bathroom rule about when we could actually use it. It was already off to a bad start. My mom was happy though so I guess that was a good thing. My mom's friend had a son who was about 15 I suppose he looked a little older than me but not by much.

Her husband was there as well and he seemed drunk, he stumbled on his words, couldn't even walk in a straight line. These people gave me the creeps and we all had to fit inside a three bedroom cabin. My mom's four kids her friend's son, and then the four adults. Not the best idea for this vacation. After they had went to get some groceries I pulled aside my mother and told her I had a bit of a suspicion. She told me that I was being delusional. By bedtime she would regret not listening to me.

Her friend and the husband began to attack us, trying to torture us in that house, I mean no wonder it's in the middle of no where. I snuck into the room to grab the keys from the drawer and my family was already outside. Before I knew it they were all shot and I was alone. Her son had woken up at that time and began to freak out as well. He wasn't like his parents, he hit his mom with a pan and we made a run for it to the car. We sped out as fast as possible, hit a tree, and I woke up.

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