chapter 3

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"I want you to join the avengers."

Furys words kept ringing in my ears. I couldnt belive it. I said yes of course. Who wouldnt? So here I was with Natasha and Fury about to get on the small plane waitin for them. I hesitated before getting on. Me and planes dont work out so well. Natasha knew this. "Will you be okay?" She asked, rubbing my back. "I think I'll manage." I said quietly. Fury glanced back at us in confusion but didnt say anything. My eyes were squeezed shut and I was mouthing 'Please Zeus, dont blast me out of the sky' over and over. I knew I was the daughter of Poseidon, (the fact that I could breath under water and talk to horses gave me a hint), and that Zeus wouldnt be to happy bout me being in the sky. Poseidon hasnt claimed me yet, but thats okay. I knew he was busy and would claim me when he had the chance. I groaned and slid off the seat just to lay down on the planes floor.

"Are we there yet?" I asked. My voice was muffled from being squished into the ground but she heard me anyways.

"Almost." Natasha looked at me sympatheticly. Then a force landed heavily on the top of the aircraft. And me, being me, spazed out.


Natasha slapped me. "Calm the hell down girl. Its just Thor. Hes not going to kill you." I looked around to see the new comer walk in the flying plane using the drop off. The power I felt coming off of him was unmistakable. This man was either a god or a really powerful demi-god. My first thought was that it was Zeus in desguise. Who else was able to get up here? The second thought was that he was hot but I quickly brushed that thought away. I did the safe thing. I got down on knee and bowed with one hand fisted over my chest and the other in line with my knee. This was the bow of the Olympians. Thor looked at me weirdly them his face lit up as he understood. "Rise young demi-god. There is no need to bow to me. I am not one of your gods, but Thor of Asguard. Though I warn you to stay on guard as Lord Zeus is on his way here now." I stood up. "Thank you Thor."

Thor put a hand on my shoulder and grinned at me before going back and greeting Fury. Natasha looked at me with an eyebrow raised. 'Later' I mouthed. She nodder as the plane touched down on the helicarrier. I bolted out of the plane and hugged the ground.

"Land! Oh sweet land I-


Thor chuckled as he walked by. "Come on little one. I promise he won't get you while your with me." I nodded and he kept walking. I stared at his back.

So. Inviting.

I couldn't handle it any more. I made a square with my hands, took a running leap, and landed smack on his back. He tilted forward a little but didnt fall. "Run pony!" I yelled. "Pony?" He asked but did as I asked and started to run. We burst through the doorsof the meeting room startling the other Avengers. We were both laughing. "Alright little one. Time to get off." He said. I pouted but did as he said. All the other avengers had their mouths wide open. Even Tony Stark, who was never surprised. I beamed at them. "Ello. Im Kayla!" I let a little of my Irish accent sink in. "You must be the avengers." Now I let my British accent sink in. Their mouths fell open more. Evens Thors. Tony recoverd first. "I want one." He said. "No." Said steve, who recovered next. Bruce looked at me. " How come you look like Natasha? He asked. I looked down. Guess I accedently changed into her in the helicarrier. I just shrugged. "Why do you look like a giant that ate to many green beans and is on steroids some times?"

Then a soft green glow bathed the room. I glanced around to try and fimd the source before I noticed t was coming from above me and looked up.

There was a glowing green trident.

Thor was the first to react. His deep booming voice filled the silence.  

"All hail Kayla Walsh. Daughter of Poseidon. God of the seas, earthquakes and ruler of horses." He got down on one knee and bowed his head. Tony, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Fury decided that it was probably a good idea to bow too. A flash light up the room and an old man wth a gold eye patch and gold armor appeared. Along with him was a young man, mabey a little younger than Thor, dressed in dark green robes and silver armor. They both knelt too. Thor, the old man, and the green robed man, stood. I looked at the young one to see startling green eyes booring into my sea colored eyes. I could see Thor glance from me to the other guy then smile at the old man. "Kayla, this is Loki," he puts a hand on the dude in the greens shoulder " and this is Odin. Odin is my father and Loki is my brother." I finally senced that Odin was a God and my eyes got wide. Quickly, I knelt in the same fashion as I did to Thor. He too looked at me confused. Then he understood. "Rise demi-god. You have no need to bow to me. I am not one of your gods." He raised his voice. "The rest of you may stand as well."

"Not to be disrepectful or anything, but what the hell was that?!" Tony yelled. "And whats a demi-god?" Steve asked.

No one had time to answer them cause that moment the door was blown open and in walked 14 people.


Sorry it took me so long to update. My mom took my computer and phone so I have to update on my sisters tablet. This chapter would have been longer, but I decided to split it in half and leave it here. Please comment and tell me what you think. Who do you think the 14 people are?

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