!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dede &JAY P.O.V.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D:So what you wanna do we can play games go to the movies go to the bowling alley or race kart GO GO GO alley & invite some friend over to play and chill with you or what??
J:Hold on *praying:God thank you so much for letting me find this girl in the mall man iove her and shes the best babysitter ever!!!! <3 AMEN* OK IM SORRY YES I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO THE RACE KART ALLY CAN I CALL 5 OF MY FRIENDS :)
D:hahahahaaa he just prayed for me awwwnn to cute and yes you can i will talk to there parents to say what time we coming back and what we going to do ok
J:okayy mann i truly love you ^__^
D:awwnnn i love you too Jay now hurry ok :) cause i want you too have FUN!!!!
J:ok :D calles friend (Kc-Angel-Rianna-Drew -Lala )
J:yall all did the Meadas voice anways do yall wanna go to the R.K.G.G.G.A. with me & my gf
All:yesss and 2ed when did you get a girlfriend? nigga you a lieee you anit got no girl!!!!
J:yes i do and i dont care i anit got time to yelling at yall .yall will see her she just need to talk to your parents
All:how she asking our parents for permission to take a out if she is around our age. her mom and dad needs to talk to our parent Tuhhh >_<
J: first of all FIX YALL attitudes WHO YOU THINK YOU talking to befor i leave yall ugly asses at home by yall self !!!! second she's not a little kid she 16 & she's a grown
all:Well dam nigga shit *-.-* got us felling tight
J:well then you should have thought twice for getting rude >_<
anyway put yall parents on the phone!
P:HI we are the kids parents they said you wanted to talk to us
Z:aahhh yes im D'akenza but you can call me zaza i am Julez babysitter and more :) and i was thinking if he would like to go to R.K.G.G.G.A. with us .R.k.g.g.g.a. closes at 9.30 i will bring them home around 9:00 if thats ok with you guys?
P:ummm no problem but what is R.k.G.G.G.A. .and how much money do you need for them to go
z:Ohh im sorry R.K.G.G.G.A. IS Race Karte Go Go Go Ally for kids and teenager to have fun and enjoy there selfs and since you know today is friday i wanted to know if they would like to go out and no need to pay i got everything!!!!
P:Ohhh ok and oohh noo dear we couldnt let you pay for 6 kids
Z:dont be silly all i want is to see the happiness and enjoyment on there faces!!
Z:for me i guess this is enough time maybe an hour!
P:yes perfect see you soon :)
Z : ok bye
††★-Hour pass -★††
Im in love with my baby bother babysitter (Roc love story) EDIT
Teen FictionMy name D'akanza im 16 Badder then any girl you ever seen!! nice body anything you would want in a girl .....from N.Y. and movied to Miami -.- but what ever if you want to know more the BRAHH READ THE STORY COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT HOMMIEE :...