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maddies pov:
later that day I got a call from an unknown number. I answered I heard heavy breathing and soon they said. "we've taken your friend if you want to see her again come to 489 pety ave." then they hung up. I decided to record the messege before I answered so I would have evidence for police if anything happened. a couple days after I got a solo from Abby she asked for anything specific for me to portray I gave her the recording. The being of my my dance was the message then it went to music and talking. I got first place,when we were about to leave a guy came up to me saying to follow him so I did. he took me to a black room he pushed me against the wall and yelled "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RECOREDINg!?!?!" "I-i-i got it fro-from a m-man on the ph-phone." I said "DONT USE IT AGIAN!" He yelled and dropped me to the floor. I ran out in tears and went to the bus. When we got back to Pittsburgh I cryed for hours and hours. I could belive it. I opened my door.

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