Every Rose Has Its Thorn

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 Most people think of me as a loner, and I agree... 

 My thoughts even shower me with deafening insults that makes me always wonder, why was I even born to be in this world? Sometimes I wish life for me would just end, like my life can just slip away like my previous friendships, and memories filled with pure happiness. Just make my unbareable pain and sufferings be gone, with all of my worthless years spent in this hell hole. You may be wondering, 'wow this girl has got some serious issues', or 'she must be some depressed physco', however you would be right. Yes I do have a family but honestly, what does it even mean to be a family anymore? My defintion for family is a group of people who live with you and love you more than they care for themselves; they care for you in every way possible, and always protect you no matter the consequences are too big nor small. Yet my family is the complete opposite.

     My mother USED to be the closest to me. She was like the only one who could stitch up my heart after its been shattered. She was like my bestest friend... but that was many years ago. Now, I don't even know where she is. She never calls, writes, she even changed her first and last name. I never understood why she would just all of a sudden leave me all on my own, because she always loved me in the most possible ways. Maybe I did something wrong? Maybe I became somewhat to hideous for her to be seen with me? She didn't even leave me money, or food... just one, damn note 

   Good Luck. Love ,Mama (this is the note)

Yep one fucking note, and that was when I broke. I apparently was forced to call my father who I havent seen in 3 years ever since my mother left him,  because of his abusive ways towards me. But honestly, I really had no choice. It was either the streets or him. So I chose to live with him in the past being, and attempt to get used to his daily beatings he would give me every useless day.

I haven't been able to go to the police about it either, because who knows what they would do with me after? So, what I did was rot in this world, with no reason even excisting. 

Alas, I did used to have a life filled with hopes, love, joy, and smiles. I used to have best friends, who I would call sisters, and brothers. My life just felt amazing those 7 years ago. Now all of that is the past, all because of a lie. Yep, one horrible lie. That lie was like a black hole that sucked up all my happiness  and locked it all up somewhere deep inside of me. So, yeah  basically... my life is like a living hell that is just someplace I wish I could escape from; and now I have finally figured out what I must do to end all my suffering and pain, that hates on me every single second of every day.

My name is Sadie Jay  Meyers, and this is goodbye.        



Sadie's POV

I pulled my hoodie over my head a bit more, so not so many glares would be thrown at me. I continued my walk to the old wooden dungeon that I call home. Just three more blocks away to getting my daily slap in the face today, and a good punch in the jaw. But then all of a sudden, gusts of wind blew through my empty, lifeless body. It then caused my hoodie to fall off my head, and expose my new black and blue marks to the crowd. As I skimmed through the crowd of blank faces, my eyes layed on a six year old girl. It was just a normal six year old girl. She had long, brown, flowing hair and elegant, hazel eyes. While I examined her eyes more closely, I noticed they weren't an ordinary pair of eyes; they were filled with shock, guilt, disgust, and sorrow; like  most of the other pair's of eyes staring at my rat like face. Before anyone could ask anything, I took off  into the empty streets of London, leaving behind a wave of people with the same blank expressions on their faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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