The day i found out.

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I had been tidying my room since 6am. I didn't get any sleep all night thinking how bad it had gotten and how my bed was in the wrong place. When trying to move the book case from one wall to the other and it not budging, a shelf falling of and the books everywhere, I got so stressed and punched a hole in my bedroom wall. My parents realised something was wrong and scheduled a trip to our local doctor surgery. After being taken to the hospital, lots of tests and hours of waiting, I was given the results all in one go I was manic depressive (bi polar), animic (a blood thing where I don't have enough red blood cells causing my blood to be thin) and I had anxiety. It was like a mansion dropped on my shoulders I couldn't believe it. I was put on injections every other week and three different types of pills for the bi-polar.

I hope you like it. It's probably really bad. It is a true story comment or like if you want more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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