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the awards
It was Anna's 9th grade graduation. Anna was extremely smart, so she had won the most medals. She was very happy. They called her name and 4 others' names out to go up to the stage. Finally, it was time to announce valedictorian. She thought she was gonna win and get the huge trophy, because she was very sure that she was much more intelligent than all of them combined. The drumroll started and they called a name. She smiled a huge grin and took a step forward. But she noticed... that they didn't call her!

Upon noticing this, her happy face turned into a face of disgust, and she rolled her eyes. She swore that she would find the winner's house and kill him. She had to fake enthusiasm for her friend. No one should know about her selfishness. Her mom and dad went up to her and hugged her.

"You did well, honey. You almost won all the medals!" 'Almost' that word stung her really badly. she hated that word. 'Almost' isn't enough.

"Anna? ANNA?!" She snapped out of her trance.

"Huh, what? Sorry, I spaces out. Can you repeat what you said?"

"I asked you, where do you want to eat?" Her mom said quirking her eyebrow.

"Can we just go home? I'm tired." She said faking a smile and a yawn.

"Sure, honey." Her dad responded while walking towards the exit.

Her parent chatted mindlessly while she walked thoughtfully behind them. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the winner holding the trophy and looking at her. Suddenly, Anna snapped her neck to look at the winner and smiled a wicked smile. The boy widened his eyes in surprise and turned around. Anna chuckled lowly and got in the car.

Once she arrived home, she jumped out of the car amd scurried over to her room, locking herself in, saying she was tired as an excuse. Her parents looked at each other, shrugged, and started doing whatever they were going to do.

"MOM, DAD, I'M GOING TO SLEEP!" Her scream echoed around the house.

"OK, HONEY! GOOD NIGHT!" Her mother screamed back.

"Oh, good night indeed." Anna muttered under her breath.

She started preparing the things she would need for her... plans. She slipped out of her room and into the kitchen. She made sure her parents weren't around and searched in the kitchen for a knife. Finally, she found the biggest cleaver her mother owned and went back to her room. She locke her door and turned the lights off. She opened the window and slinked out. She ran and ran and she saw the winner under a streetlight talking to his friends. She hid behind a fence and waited.

"I bet he's bragging to his friends." She muttered under her breath.

She observed the boy until he went home. She ran out of her hiding spot toward his house. She checked all the windows until she found his. She hid and waited until he went to bed. Once hearing his faint snores she entered through his window and prepared her materials. She hung a rope from the ceiling and got her knife out. She slit his neck and he woke up with a start. Once his eyes adjusted, it was too late. She plunged tha knife in his stomach and watched the life leave his surprised eyes. She looked at him mercilessly and carried his body up to the rope. It took all her strenght, but she made it. She hung his body and let it dropped. His neck broke with a sickening crack and his body hung there, dripping blood and lifeless.

She was about to leave, when she spotted something shiny from the corner of her eye. It was the trophy. She smirked and walked over to it. She held it up to the light and frowned. Her name wasn't the one engraved. She looked at her knife, and picked it up. She held the trophy firmly and held the knife point to it. Her hand pushed down as she carved her name letter by letter on it, the knife letting out an earsplitting screech as it collided with the hard metal. ANNA, it read. She thought it was lovely and smiled to herself. She put the trophy into her backpack and picked it up.

She turned to the window and climbed out. As she walked through the quiet neighborhood she noticed she had a little blood on her shirt, so she put her sweater on to cover up the stains. She got to her house, changed into her pajamas and went to bed.

The next day she went over to his house. She knocked on his door and she was greeted by his heartbroken mother. After she asked for him, his mother started sobbing and his father came to her aid, hugging her, trying to calm her down. She faked confusion and they told her that he committed suicide the night before, she said she was sorry and left. All the while that she was walking back to her house she was grinning wildly and chuckles escaped her throat. She felt great.

She got home, changed and jumped in the car to go to her swimming class. There was a competition today and she was sure she would win. She competed and got second place.

That same night she went to the girl's house and murdered her just like she did the other boy. She picked up the swimming medal and carved her name on it. She slipped out of the house, with the medal around her neck and walked back to her house. She entered her room and sighed contentedly. She then remembered the trophy. She took the medal off and searched one of her backpacks for the trophy. After she found it, she walked over to her closet and opened it. She looked around it for an empty spot and placed the trophy and medal in it. She took a step back and admired her awards. Some were rusty, some were stained with what seemed to be blood, and others shined under the faint moonlight coming from the open window. The only similarity is that all of them had the same knife engraving, ANNA.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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