The Encounter

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An arrow shoots through the air and hits the center of the target. Bullseye. Philia Timor reached for another arrow from the bag that was on her back. This is how Philia spends her free time, if it wasn't training or practicing in her backyard she would be reading old dusty history books on attacks or weapons. As she pulled back on the arrow and was about to let go she heard someone cough behind her as if trying to get her attention. She turned around and saw Seth, one of the kings best guards. Dispite the fact that he was wearing all armor, including his helmet, she could tell it was him from miles away. "Sorry to interrupt." Seth said while standing on the back porch. "It's quite alright if you're here then it's probably important otherwise it would Messenger instead of you.," she said as she walked up the steps of the porch, "Unless you are here for another lesson on the history of wepons." Even if Philia couldn't see it he smiled underneath his helmet,"No. Not this time Philia. I'm here because the king has ask for you to come to the castle. He wants you to come right now." Philia put down her bow and arrow on a table on the porch. "This must be important. Do you know what the matter is about?" Seth shook his head,"I don't know." Before stepping off the porch she grabbed her old satchel,"I believe that I should be on my way then" Philia put her hand forward and it began to glow a indigo color. Then the bright light shot out and hit a nearby tree creating a indigo colored portal.
"You don't want me to accompany you?" asked Seth
"No that wouldn't be necessary. You can go back to your duties."
"Oh. Well catch you later?"
"We'll see." Philia said to Seth before entering the glowing portal. Once again she talked to the guards and once again Philia found herself in the dead gardens outside of the castle. "They really should take better care of this place," Philia mumbled to herself. She made her way through the castle and once again she headed her way to the throne room.
She keeled in front of the king,"You wished to see me your highness?"
"Yes I was Philia." he responded, "I have very exciting news for you."
Philia stood up "And that would be?"
He stood up from the throne and stood in front of Philia, "The captain and I have been deciding that... You should become a member of my royal gaurds." Philia's eyes widened in shock. She has always wanted this moment ever since her mother-
"But we're not going to simply give it to you. The captain believes that you need to prove to us that you're ready for this kind responsibility. So I have a task for you to complete it's your choice if you want to except it or not" Philia raised an eyebrow. What could possibly make her not want to except it. The king spoke again," You are assigned to protect and be a guardian to the seer of earth, Korbyn Jumping Eagle"
"Is that it?," Philia asked raising an eyebrow. This seemed too easy even if she hasn't done a task like this in years. "However," the king started again, "There is a catch. She doesn't  know much at about what she is and how to become good at what she will do." And the truth surfaced. The king knows that Philia does not do well with ignorance nor does she have all lot of patience. But that didn't stop Philia from accepting the offer. "I accept." The king sighed then gave her a crystal ball, " This will you the coordinates of her location and anyone else of your choice. You'll be with her until she is ready so that means don't leave her side for anything unless I tell you. Do you understand?" Philia face was filled with determination," Yes I do."
The king then opened a portal of his own. This time it was a grey color, "Are you ready to leave now?" Philia nodded. She didn't really have much in her home to bring and earth has a plentiful amount of resources, "You must be patient with her. Remember she doesn't know much about herself." Walking over to the king's portal Philia said, "There will not be a problem. Everything will be fine." "I hope so...", The king mumbled to himself as she steeped into the portal.
On the other side Philia found herself in the middle of tall slender trees. She thought that perhaps she was in some kind of forest. Sigh... "Okay crystal ball tell where is Korbyn Jumping Eagle"

"I'll ask you again. Seer would you be kind enough to accompany me to see Lord Zalgo... NOW!!!" He began to reach down to Korbyn to grasp her and then
Both Korbyn and the hooded figure were still for a moment. The laughter seemed to come from every where but it still sounded genuine.

"Pardon me. I interrupted didn't I"

Korbyn looked up at the tree that loomed over her. Sitting on the branch was a girl or at least Korbyn thought it was a girl. Some of her features where unrealistic. For example: Her eyes... They were an indigo color. Then it was her skin it was so oddly pale with her dark hair that was so black it almost looked violet.  She wore it in one exaggerated long and thick braid while still having a side bang that some what covered her eye. As for clothing she a had skinny jeans with boot that just reached underneath her knee and she wore a purple tank top with a black leather jacket. Around her neck was a gold heart shaped locket with a indigo gem in the center. She smiled,"I just believe that this is hilarious. Didn't anyone ever tell you to never mess with your superiors." She laughed again.
"And who are you?," said the hooded figure.
"Do not worry. It will not matter," In an instant she had spread her black powerful wings to full wing span which made her look powerful,
"After all... you won't live to tell the tale..." The hooded figure took a step back. He looked like he was about to run (like the cowards they are) but before he could even take a step forward she had sprung to life and tackled him to the ground. 

"L-let me go!!!"

"You truly are a coward. So utterly useless..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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