Chapter 2

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When I woke up this morning I looked over to see if Anthony was still asleep, he was not there. I smelt bacon and pancakes my favorite. I wondered who would be making bacon and pancakes because my mom and my brother are at work. I got out of bed and put on Anthony's sweat shirt. Once I got downstairs I saw Anthony cooking. I knew he cooked but he is never up this early. "Good morning beautiful, happy anniversary. Nice sweat shirt you got there" Anthony said then kissed me. I smiled and laughed at him. "Good morning and happy anniversary to you to. What are you doing up so early?" I said. "I wanted to make you breakfast in bed but you had to wake up and come down stairs." Anthony said. "Sorry!" I said. He fixed my plate with two strips of bacon, two pancakes with syrup on the side and with a glass of milk. We sat down at the table and ate breakfast together. Once Anthony finished he grabbed my plate and empty glass and started to wash the dishes. "Baby, are you sick or something because you have never washed dishes before unless you were being paid." I said and giggled. "No, I just thought maybe I should try something new." He said while trying to hold back a laugh. "What do you want to do today?" I asked while on the other side on Anthony, rinsing what he was washing. "I don't know, whatever you want to do." Anthony replied. We finished the dishes, cleaning the kitchen. Once we got upstairs we got dressed. I put on a pair of shorts, a lose shirt and a pair of sandals. Anthony just put on what he wore the day before. "Do you mind if we hang out with Braden and Ashton for a little?" Anthony asked. "I don't care what we do, but don't you think we should swing by your house to pick up some clothes for you to wear instead of what you wore yesterday?" I asked Anthony. "Yes, let's go to my house first. Just let me call Braden and Ashton really fast." Anthony replied. While Anthony was on the phone with Braden and Ashton I brushed my teeth, did my make up and started on my hair. "Sorry, I decided to curl my hair." I told Anthony when he got off the phone with Braden and Ashton. "It's ok, take your time, I'm not rushing you." Anthony replied. Once I finished doing my hair, we went downstairs I grabbed a water bottle for Anthony and I to share on the way. When we got to Anthony's house I noticed no one was home. While Anthony was getting ready I let his dog, Lucy outside so we can play. I threw the ball for Lucy, she went after it and then brought it back. Once Lucy got tired we went inside. I went upstairs to Anthony's room. As I walked in I notice he was trying to decide what clone to wear. "The one with the green top, the one you wore when we first met." I said. "I was trying to decide on that one or the one you bought for me on my birthday." Anthony said. He picked up the clone with the green top and sprayed it all over him. "Dang can you spray anymore? Just kidding." I said with sarcasm. " Hahaha, yes I actually could." Anthony said also with sarcasm. "Baby, are you ready?" Anthony asked me. "Yeah, if you are." Once we got in Anthony's truck I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and look at who text me. "Guess who just texted me?" I told Anthony. "Who?" He asked. "Lucas!" I replied. "What the heck did heck did he say?" Anthony asked. "He asked me if we could talk but face to face. But I don't know why he would want to talk because it has been a year since the last time I talked to him." I said with confusion. "Well, do you want to go talk to him? I will take you to go meet him if you want me to." Anthony said. "NO! I don't want to talk to him. Today is our day, not mine and Lucas's day!" I yelled. "Ok, just tell him that you don't want to meet up because you have better things to do." Anthony said. I texted Lucas back saying "I don't want to talk to you. I have better things to do. Plus we have not talked in a year so I don't understand why you think I would want to talk to you." Once we got to Ashton's house I saw automatically saw Ashton and Braden in there garage. We all walked into the house and sat on the couch in the living room. The couch was really comfortable, but it think it was because I was leaning on Anthony. "Ashton can I have a word with you in private? Preferably upstairs." Anthony said. I sat up for Anthony to get up. Ashton and Anthony went upstairs. I looked up to see if Braden went upstairs with Ashton and Anthony, but he did not he was sitting on the other couch staring at me. "How have you been?" Braden asked me. "Pretty good, how have you been?" I replied. "GREAT!" Braden shouted. I looked up and I saw Ashton and Anthony standing there. "You about ready to go?" Anthony asked me. I stood up and said "yeah."

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