On our way to the rodeo Pt.1

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Toni: im not whoping her im sorry

BabyFace: well you shouldn't make rules you not gonna go by them

Toni: i do i just dont think it would be right but ill pop her you would have to whope her

BabyFace: ok babe before it's over you will have to whope her

Toni: ok ok so where we going

BabyFace:idk where you wanna go today

Toni: i dont know it doesn't matter to me its what the boys and peyton wanna do

BabyFace: the boys wanted to go the rodeo today

Toni: thats a great im down for that i think peyton needs a nap the rodeo dont start til 4 its only 1 so ima let her take a 2 hour nap

BabyFace: alright

Toni: ok

So toni started to clean up the house while ken and denim and diezel started playing basketball outside it was just toni in the house bevause peyton was sleeping downstairs in her room and ..

Toni: why do kenny have to be so damn junky its really starting to get on my nerves forreal

BabyFace: comes in and sees toni cleaning * walks behind her and grab her waist and kissesher neck*

Toni: babe im dressed and ready and rhem you cone in hugging and kissing me with sweaty clothes go take a bath and go to tell the boys to come in and take a bath

BabyFace: babe why you so fisty whats up

Toni: nothing i just want you to take a bath before trying to be flirty thats all

BabyFace:ok fiesty

Toni: you are something with yourself but about peyton do you think she will want to go to the rodeo

BabyFace: yaah she wanted to go with us last year but remember her and the boys were misbehaving that day

Toni: oh yeah hopefully she doesn't try to show off because ima pop her this time  because it really doesnt make any since that she always act this way like i asked her a million times whats wrong and she always says it the boys that bothers her so lets go talk to them

BabyFace: ok denim and diezel come down

Denim&diezel: sir

BabyFace: do you guys be messing with peyton

Denim: only time is when she mess with me but i dont

Deizel: him and peyton stay into it

Denim: at times we do because she starts it

Toni: listen yall leave each other aline before i make yall spend a whole day in the same room

Denim: yes maam

BabyFace: yes because peyotn is already halfway in trouble and she got one more thing to do and shes not going but thats all we wanted just leave her alone if you want do say anything to her so yall wont be accused ok

Denim&diezel: ok

BabyFace: finish getting ready im finna take my shower

Toni: im guess ill wake peyton i really dont want to but here goes nothing peyton wake up

Peyton: im sleepy

toni: when you put your clothes on and get in the ar then yOu can go back to sleep wake up *shakes her* peyton

Peyton: gets up* what to wear where are we going

Toni: us and your aunties and your cousins are going to the rodeo so come on

Peyton:where its at

Toni: where is it always it

Peyton: if i knew i wouldnt ask

Toni: well dont worry about it if you dont know

Peyton: alright

Toni: wear jeans

Peyton: ok bye

Toni: bye *shakes head and closes door*

Peyton: gosh she says im irry i must get it from her

20 minutes later All Of the sister came over and was ready to go so by this time everyone was in their car except toni and ken and then someone walked in because they were wondering what was taking so long

Who was it? What were they doing? What did they say? Who caught them ? What you think about peyton? Comment
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