Chapter 1

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     *Anna's P.O.V.*

     I was sitting in the dark, on something soft, a bed maybe. I had no idea where I was and my head was killing me. I was trying to remember how I got wherever it is I am but whenever I tried my head just hurt a lot more. All of a sudden I heard a crash like something glass broke and then some yelling. I was terrified, I had no idea where I was or who was around me. Out of nowhere light shined in the room I was in blinding me so I couldn't see anything or anyone. I heard heavy footsteps walking towards me, I started to panic and tried to move but I couldn't. "Well looks like you are finally awake. The boss will be glad to hear that, he was quite worried" said the man with the heavy footsteps. I tried to speak but my throat was dry and my voice was all ragged and cracked. "Here you'll need this said the man" as he handed me a water bottle. As I started chugging down the water he began to explain everything. "My name is Alex. You are at headquarters in house 4 unit 3. Your father sold you to us because of his gambling debts. You are quite beautiful so the boss told us to keep you close and handle you with care. You will be dining with him later for dinner, I will have some of the servants clean you up and get you ready. You cannot leave this place without any of the bosses men and any attempts to escape you will be severely punished. If you have any questions I will be happy to help, Oh and don't think of this as a prison of some sort. Think of it more as your new home." Everything hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to cry and scream at the top of my lungs. I was mad and really upset. My father gave up his own daughter so he wouldn't have to pay for his debts. It doesn't surprise me really. My mother died when I was 5 so I didn't remember much about her. After her death all my father did was go out to casinos and gamble and drink. He'd come home really late and wake me up just to yell at me saying it was my fault my mother died. I got used to it by the time I was 12 though but he wanted something more out of me of me and started beating me to the point that all I could see is red. I'm 17 now and was going to be 18 in a month and was going to move out as soon as I could and I remember telling my dad that and he was furious. That's probably why he got rid of me when he did. But it isn't fair, this is my life not his, he can't just sell me. I must have zoned out because Alex was shaking me. I started dry heaving, I needed to puke but nothing was coming out. Alex helped me to my feet and led me to the bathroom. My vision started slowly coming back. "Stacy! Ange! " Alex yelled suddenly, startling me. Two girls walked into the bathroom, they were wearing maid outfits and I thought it was a bit odd. "I'll leave the rest to you" said Alex as he left the room. One girl started running bath water while the other started to undress me. "I can do it myself" I said as I pulled my arm away. "Your body is still weak and we have been ordered to do everything for you." They were right, I tried pulling of my shirt and nearly fell over. What the hell happened to me. "I'm Stacy" said the one undressing me. "And i'm Ange. Its nice to meet you Anna" said the one running the bathwater. Once I was undressed they helped me into the bath and started washing me. I felt so helpless. I looked around the bathroom, everything was so high class and fancy, even the bathtub I was in was huge. I felt like one of those princesses that's trapped in a castle who has to wait for the prince to come slay the dragon and they live happily ever after. Sadly this isn't a fairy, this is real life and unless cops show up I don't think I'll be getting out anytime soon. When the girls finished washing me they sat me in a chair and started doing my makeup and hair. I won't lie I kinda liked being pampered by someone else but not with these circumstances. I just wanted to go home. They put me in a red dress that went to my mid thigh and black flats. Thankful they didn't give me heels or something because I probably would've fallen on my face because I can hardly stand up on my own. They dragged me over to a full body mirror and showed me how I looked. I was amazed, I looked good. In just about 20 minutes they made me look this good, I can't even make myself look this good in an hour. "You have about half an hour so sit around and relax before we come back to bring you to the dining room" said Ange as they both started leaving the room. "Thank you" I said to them then they both left from the room. I looked around the bed was huge with a dark red comforter and black pillows. There was a white couch and a couple of bookshelves filled with books. A huge flat screen t.v. hung on the wall in front of the bed with a dresser with some flowers in a vase and a couple of remotes to what I assumed went to the t.v. sitting on the dresser. I grabbed one of the remotes and plopped down on the bed, flipping through the channels till I found animal planet. It was playing that show called 'Too Cute' with all those little puppies. I loved dogs, I could never have one though because of my father. Whenever I went to a friends house I would snuggle their dog the entire time. They were just so cute and cuddly. I heard a knock on the door and stood up to go open it and the two girls from before were standing there with smiles on their faces. "ready?" they both asked in unison, it kinda creeped me out to be honest. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said trying to sound cheerful, but who could be remotely happy in a situation like this. With that they linked arms with me and off to the dining room we went.

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